So Teacher Gu, every time you come it's normal for you, but this time you didn't even need to speak?

Could it be simply because this seat has the best view of the stage??

As expected of you, Teacher Gu!

Zhao Tiancheng suddenly felt that next time, he shouldn't leave his seat either, just stand behind Teacher Gu and watch.

This seat is good!

Chapter 92

Host Guan Liangzhe's voice trembled as he asked, "Nan XiangWan, I have to ask, you aren't a time traveler, are you?"

Nan XiangWan: "..."

The host didn't expect her to answer. He continued asking, "Who designed the scene of the elf sitting on the ground? How did you come up with it? It's too amazing! I'm stunned!"

Nan XiangWan passed the microphone to Sha Ling.

Sha Ling pushed it back: "Say some more."

Helplessly, Nan XiangWan took a deep breath and picked up the microphone...

Guan Liangzhe's pupils suddenly shrank as he quickly interrupted, "Speak normally, don't give military speeches!"

Nan XiangWan: "..."

Audience: "Hahaha!"

Nan XiangWan spoke normally: "Sha Ling designed it. Everyone knows I'm only good at singing and dancing. I'm useless at everything else."

She didn't know how to design stages or choreography.

Host Guan Liangzhe: "Who said you're useless! I'm the first to disagree! You're an all-round idol, Nan XiangWan!"

The audience laughed again. This young host was very excited.

Nan XiangWan looked strange: "I also don't know how to compose music or write lyrics."

Guan Liangzhe was stumped for a moment.

Indeed, an all-round idol must have some creative abilities!

Guan Liangzhe: "You're still young and haven't learned these things yet. In the future, apply to a music academy. I think you'll definitely be a genius!"

Nan XiangWan lamented: "Don't know if I can get in."

When it came to studying, she felt like crying.

The live audience immediately shouted in unison:

"You'll get in!"

Guan Liangzhe laughed: "Hear that? You definitely can! Sha Ling, the scene of walking from afar, was that your design too? It's so amazing, I feel like I've time traveled, you know?"

Sha Ling took the microphone from Nan XiangWan and said, "The intention behind the stage design was to combine ancient elves with modernity. I represent the present, Nan XiangWan represents the ancient elven queen. She emerges from the smoke of war, seeking precious love."

Guan Liangzhe excitedly trembled: "Sha Ling is such a genius! How did you come up with it? This stage design is so beautiful!"

Sha Ling smiled slightly: "Listening to the song and looking at Nan XiangWan's face inspired the creative impulse."

Guan Liangzhe: "So it came from Nan XiangWan!"

Seeing the host keep asking questions and almost forgetting what to do next,

The overall director Zhao Tiancheng picked up the mic from the director's table and reminded: "The stage is amazing, I have nothing more to say, I even feel like I'm not qualified to critique."

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