☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 16 ☽

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Y/N's POV ˚˖°

6:45 P.M., June 19, 2002
Nine days until going back to New Jersey

I finish out 'Vampires Will Never Hurt You' with a quick drum fill. My breathing was super heavy, and the crowd was clapping and cheering.

The bar was pretty busy and we seemed to have been getting good things from the crowd. We played the rest of our set, and all five of us were super drunk, so something stupid was bound to happen.

And it did.

At the end I stood up and yelled, before Frank swung his guitar into my crash cymbal, causing an obvious loud crash before he kicked over some of my other drums.

People were still cheering and screaming as that scene unfolded, and let me tell you, what followed was not pretty at all.

"What the hell, Frank?!" I yelled at him, dropping my sticks on the stage.

"What?! You're drum set was going to break or get destroyed or something at some point!"

"Yeah, but you didn't need to dent my cymbal! Those are very expensive!" I had stepped closer to him, oh should I say that sometimes I'm an angry drunk, which means you know I've gotten into some fights. Sometimes I start a fight without realising.

And I still get into fights.

Like the one I'm getting into now.

With Frank fucking Iero.

I feel like the crowd had gotten quieter as we began to yell and argue with each other. Gerard had walked off to the bar, Ray following behind, but Mikey was still on stage.

At some point I brought up how Frank cheated on me, and I could feel my eyes tear up.

"You're just a fucking cheat, you asshole!" I yelled, taking a step closer and jabbing my finger to his chest.

"We hooked up like five times, that's not cheating!" He growled back at me.

I stared at him for a second, shocked by is stupidity. "That's still cheating!" I hissed, grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him backwards, closer to the edge of the stage.

"Fuck you, Frank." I said, before pushing him again.

It's like I didn't remember what I did when I watched him fall off the stage.

There was yelling and screaming coming from all directions as I just stood there, frozen in place.

I heard my name a few times, but I didn't turn to face any of the people calling.

I already knew who they were. Mikey was standing to my left, and Rory—who had ran onto the stage half-way through the fight—was on my right.

"What did I do?..." I asked, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Nothin' you should be worryin' 'bout, honey. Let's get out onto the street for now." Rory spoke, resting a hand on my shoulder before taking my hand and leading me outside.

I sat on a bench, bouncing my leg and messing with my bracelets. I felt like I was instantly sober.

"Rory...Why would I do that? I know I'm mad at him, and I wanted to punch him, but I wasn't going to push him off the stage!" I whispered to Rory as I looked at the ground.

"I may not know anythin' about why you guys fought, but to me it seems like he deserved it. It'll be okay though, Y/N, don't worry about it."

I can't not worry about it though. Yeah, sure, I'm mad at him, I didn't mean to possibly break his bones though.

Next thing I knew, I was curled up into a ball crying.


God damn it.

I looked up, already knowing who it was.

"Hey, Gee.."

He walked towards me, then sat on the other side of me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt him.." I began to cry again, Gerard started to rub his thumb on my shoulder.

"He'll be okay, don't worry. Frank's tough.." He replied. He reached his other hand over to me and held mine.

"Well, thank you for makin' be feel like a third wheel." Rory said, her words covered with sarcasm.

All three of us laughed, and I sat up.

"What happened to Frank in there?" I asked.

"Well," Gerard started, "Luckily the bartender used to be a nurse, so they're in there checking him out to see what's wrong. But I'm sure he'll be okay!" He said a bit panicky with the last sentence. Maybe he thought that he'd said something that would make me overthink.

I nodded along as Ray exited the bar and ran towards us. "Guys, we just got banned from the bar! Also, Frank is fine. But we just got banned!" He stood in front of the three of us with his hands on his hips.

"Well, what's so bad about that?" I asked, tilting my head, obviously knowing he was mad about getting banned.

"Dude! We just got banned from where we played our first show! I think people liked it, but who knows, because we aren't allowed in ever again! This is all since you and Frank can't just apologise to each other and act nice, there's consequences for everyone in the band!"

I just sat and stared at him, my mouth slightly agape.

I mean, he isn't wrong.

"Well, I'm only apologising to him if he apologises to me first."

Ray rolled his eyes and went to the door of the bar before yelling, "Frank, get your ass out here! Mikey, you get out here too because we're leaving as soon as this is all over!"

You know, Ray kind of acts like the mother of all of us. I mean, we are all pretty childish, so someone needs to keep control of everyone else.

He walked back, Mikey and Frank trailing behind. I stood up from Gerard's arm and stood in front if Frank, making eye contact with him.

"Say it Frank." Ray said to him while nodding his head towards me.

"I'm sorry that I cheated and then got mad at you." It wasn't a huge apology, but that's fine, it's all I needed.

"I'm sorry too. For just being kind of a bitch about it. And for pushing you off the stage." He chuckled after I said the last bit.

Ray looked between the two of us. "Are you done? Can we go back to the hotel now?"

"How about you boys go back to the hotel, and
Y/N ere' can come stay at my apartment for the night?" Rory asked as she slung and arm around my shoulder.

They all just nodded a sure, and we all said bye to each other, and Gerard kissed me goodbye.

That was a very eventful night.
Words - 1,139

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