~Chapter 3~

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It took three years until I had my first run-in with a monster. And let me tell you that it was not fun at all.

Venturing into the thick forest, I suddenly found myself face to face with a towering beast. It resembled a Rottweiler but was the size of a tanks. Its malevolent red eyes glowed, and its jaws were wide open in a menacing snarl, revealing razor-sharp canines. Fear clenched my stomach as I realized I was staring down my first hellhound, especially one of such monstrous proportions.

"God damn! What did they feed you? Your huge!" I replied quite shocked. Well this was my first ever real monster fight so I was alittle nervous and alittel exited. I clicked my ring, Atlan. as my spear materialized in my hand. I spun the spear getting a grasp at the feel of it.

The hellhound lunged, its massive jaws snapping shut with horrifying speed. I barely dodged the deadly bite, feeling the searing heat of its breath. The beast's momentum sent it crashing into the underbrush, tearing through trees and rocks. As a tree fell over pinning the beast down.

Seizing the moment, I raised my spear and shoved the spear into the Hellhounds shoulder. It roared in pain and before I could remove the spear it swatted it's huge paws hitting me in the side sending me flying into a tree nearby.

I gasped for breath as the wind was knocked out of me. I scanned the forest quickly to see some puddles nearby, I reached out and feeling a twist in my gut I tried forcing the water to obey, luckily the water shot forward and using what I knew how Waterbenders faught I whiped the water toward the Hellhound and a loud crack was heard as the water slashed the beast in the face, leaving a long cut across it's face.

Skill Water Whip Acquired!

I didn't let up and kept whiping the hellhound leaving many cut's across its body as I manipulated the water whip back and forth trying as hard as I could to take it down.

Before I could whip him anymore the Hellhound roared sending me flying back from the force as its body burst into flame as the tree over its body exploded as he lunged to his feet as he surged forward, flaming claws extended, and I sidestepped, narrowly avoiding its brutal assault. However, the sheer force of the attack sent me sprawling to the forest floor.

I needed something sharper. I manipulated the water into a spear-like form and tried hardening and sharpening it. At first the water didn't change until it suddenly felt alot colder as the tempeture around me dropped, as the water froze. I didn't waste time as I threw it as hard as I could at the charging hellhound as he tried to leap out the way only to get speared in the side.

Skill Ice Spear Acquired

Skill Water Spear Acquired

My muscles screamed, and my breath came in ragged gasps. This body was not used to combat. Gods, I would have to train it so much. I really needed to work on not only my stamina and strength but my mana as I really felt that I was running low

I used what I had left to create another spear I stepped back to get some distance, but as I wasn't paying attention to where I was stepping, I stumbled, tripping over an errant root. the spear went flying, impaling the hellhound through the head. Right as the Hellhound had pounched to attack. The monstrous creature let out a deafening roar as it burst into golden dust.

"Wow what luck... Guess if I don't properly use the weapon it wont get a full level." I sighed I walked to the dust and grabbed my spear that somehow survived the fire. The dust started to funnel up as it thinned into a mist as it entered my body . I felt alot stronger than before.

The Ability to mimic "Hellhound" Accquired

Skill "Hellfire" Accquired

Skill "Menace" Accquired

Skill "Supreme Sense of Smell" Accquired

"Alright those are some nice new skills!" I grinned summoning a hellfire in my palm I aimed at a tree and threw the fire like a softball and to my shock the tree exploded when the fire got into contact. "And that is a really dangerous skill"

I gladly was able to 'suck' the fire back into my body I din't want to pull a whole Heatfire and burn the forest down.


That night, when I drifted into sleep, I found myself standing in the heart of a colossal, ancient forest, towering cedar, cottonwood, and Buxus trees formed a majestic canopy overhead, their leaves casting a dappled pattern of dancing lights upon the moss-covered forest floor.

Before me, a mysterious cave beckoned. At its entrance, I saw shelves with an assortment of weapons and training equipment. Confusion and wonder I tried to make sense of my surroundings.

"Where am I?" I muttered to myself as I looked around.

"Welcome to my Training Camp, young one!" a resonant voice boomed from behind me. I spun around, my eyes widening in shock. Behind me was an older man, probably around the age of 40. He wore some medivieal clothes. wearing leather armor over his clothes, he had a huge sword strapped to his back. "It seems the Creators have blessed me with a new student. Greetings, young demigod,"

The man introduced himself with a warm smile. "My name is Adias, and long ago, I was the trainer of heroes. You may know my student, Chiron. He is the immortal trainer, after all."

My head was still spinning from the revelation of my surreal surroundings when I turned to Adias, he was never mentioned in Greek mythology or in the Pjo books, "But why am I here? What's going on?"

Adias regarded me with a knowing smile, as though he had anticipated my confusion. "Ah, young demigod, you are here because the creators have decided that you need to be trained and learn the basics. Until you have mastered everything that I am about to teach you, you won't leave this realm."

"Hold on, I can't stay here for to long, I have to go back soon." I exclaimed.

Adias nodded. "Do not worry, time in this realm is moves at a much faster rate than on earth. Let's see, you humans sleep around 8 hours so since time here is twice as fast as earth lets use those 16 hours well."

I sighed. "16 hours... I think that would work."

Adias chuckled heartily, the sound echoing through the forest. "Prepare yourself, for our training begins now." Next I knew, Adias was right infront of me about to plunge a knife into my chest.

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