10. James

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Your back, beneath the sun...


The front door creaked as I slowly closed it. I froze for a second, hearing nothing. I wasn't going to get in trouble if anyone saw me, but I wanted to avoid Miles and all his questions.

I turned down the hallway and entered the dining room, craving a snack after that long walk. Sitting on a stool at the island, I sighed contently, remembering how perfect the walk with Augustine was. I had moved my hand towards her in hopes they would touch. I was about to hold her hand but lost my nerve at the last second. Still, our hands had brushed, and I couldn't deny how nice it felt.

"Seems like someone had a good time."

The light flicked on and there stood Miles, his stupid grin aimed at me.

"Jesus, Miles, you scared me!" I whisper-yelled.

"Oops," he shrugged. "So...how was the date?"

"It wasn't a date and you know it," I snapped.

Miles opened the fridge and grabbed a soda. Turning to face me, he shook his head in disappointment.

"Oh James," he began. "You're so naïve. Of course that was a date."

"We're friends," I reminded him. As much as I wanted to take Augustine on a date, I knew she wasn't ready. I didn't even know if she saw me that way. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and glared at Miles through the dim kitchen light. He smirked in response.

"Oh right, friends," he said finally. "So if you're only friends, there were no romantic moments, no exchange of numbers or taking photos together."

"None of that," I shook my head.

"Uh huh," he continued. "No instances where you almost hold hands, but not quite? Maybe that butterfly-inducing moment where your hands brush, but you're both too scared to do anything about it?"

"Hold on, did you spy on us?!" I asked.

Miles smirked again, pouring a glass of water and placing it in front of me. I gratefully took a sip, but still waited for his answer. At last he spoke.

"No, I didn't spy on you," he told me. "I just have a knack for knowing these things. Also, you're so predictable. Your whole personality is straight out of a rom-com."

"Miles, I don't have time for this. I'm going to bed." I got off the stool and headed towards the stairs.


I turned around to see Miles still grinning at me. I was surprised his face wasn't stuck in an idiotic smile forever.

"What if I knew what to do to make you be less predictable?"

"And what's that?" I asked. There was no harm in asking.

"Text her," he shrugged.

"Yeah, I don't have her number, dumbass," I reminded him.

"I do," he smirked. I swore he just built up suspense to annoy me.


"I have her number," he repeated. He laughed at my shocked face. "Don't worry, I'm not going for her. I figured it'd be good to have her number in case I need to text her. Or in case my brother wants to text her and he doesn't have the guts to ask for her number," he added

"Very funny," I glared. "I can't believe she agreed to that."

"Oh, we're good friends," he replied. "Do you want her number or not?"

"If she wants me to have her number, she'll give it to me," I responded.

Miles leaned against the counter, the light just capturing his face.

"She's not going to give you her number," he told me. "She'd want you to ask. I gaurentee she has no idea you like her."

I walked back into the kitchen towards my brother. I could see him hiding a smile. I hated when he did this; lured me into a conversation when I didn't want to talk. It drove me crazy, but I always ended up telling him everything he wanted to know.

"She knows I like her," I told him.

"Does she?" Miles replied. "Think about it. She rejected you, so she knows you did like her, but now? I'd bet money she thinks you've moved on."

"You weren't there on the walk," I said, before I could stop myself.

"Well, well, well," my brother smiled. "Looks like there are a few detail you've left out. Care to share?"

"Dammit," I muttered. Miles had a knack for making me share all my thoughts. Not this time.

"I'm not telling you what happened," I said.

Miles just sent me another smile. I honestly couldn't remember a time I'd seen him frown. "Maybe Augustine is hoping for another date. You should ask her out."

"Miles, no," I said. "I have no idea if she even likes me, I was way too flirty on our walk, and now I'm worried I've creeped her out."

"Hm." Miles thought for a moment. "Flirty how?"

I sat back down on one of the stools on the counter. Knowing it was probably a stupid idea, I relayed the entire night to my brother, who listened carefully, his eyes brightening when I told him the little moments Augustine and I had.

"And then I winked at her," I finished. "Me. I winked. I don't do stuff like that! I'm going to bed." I got off the stool and started to head up the stairs.

"Wait," Miles said. "You sure you don't want her number?"

"Fine," I answered.

He walked over and handed his phone to me, her contact opened. It was saved as "James's Girl <3". I resisted the urge to laugh out loud and copied the number into my phone.

"Thanks, Miles," I told him.

"No problem. Now, don't text anything weird or I'm snatching that number right back." Miles sent me a smirk that I ignored. Heading up the stairs and to my room, I got ready for bed, wondering what I could text Augustine that wouldn't be too forward or creepy.

Laying on my bed looking at the skylight, I starting typing:

Had a great time tonight

I immediately erased it and tried again:

What are you up to?

Nope, too obvious. Plus, she was probably sleeping and not on her phone by now. I stared up at the stars that were now covering the sky. Maybe tonight isn't the time to text her, I thought. I should wait a little but. I'll see how things go tomorrow, and then I'll decide.

I started to drift off with my phone in my hand. I still hadn't answered Betty's text. I couldn't deny her hold on me, but for once I didn't feel the immediate need to respond to her. I didn't know why, but I was grateful for it. That girl had manipulated me one too many times.

A/N: Sort of a filler chapter, but I've got some ideas of where this is going. Feedback is always appreciated!

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