Freen closed her eyes and leaned back. Trying so hard to find something, anything, any memory with the woman's face in it.

"God!" Freen said, frustrated with herself. "I'm married and I can't even remember my own wife!" Freen buried her face in her palms.

Nam laid a hand on her shoulder in comfort, not knowing how they were going to tell her about Emily, Beckett and Samuel.

"She must hate me..." Freen finally said, beginning to finally see now how this must affect someone who loved her enough to have married her.

She heard Nam chuckle.

"Becky can never hate you, nong."

Freen looked up at her with a sad look. "I don't know her at all, phi, what am I going to do?"

"Hey, hang in there okay. I know Becky. She's a little broken right now, and still in a bit of a shock, but I also remember the day you two tied the knot, and the vows you made to one another. If there's anyone who's going to help you get through this, it's her. And I know it's going to take you a while to get used to her being around you, but trust me, I've never seen a love as fierce as the one you two share... so let her in?"

Freen thought long and hard about this. And then finally, she looked up at Nam and said,
"Can you call her back in here? And don't go anywhere, please, juts stay in the room with us, I'm so afraid..."

"Of course na."


Becky felt numb. Like her whole world had collapsed around her and she had nowhere to go, nothing to say, no one to know what she was feeling in this moment. She closed her eyes.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"If there's anyone who can help her through this, it's you, Becky." Khun Mae said.

It opened the floodgates. Becky began to cry again. "I know, I should be grateful she's alive, I could have lost her, we could have lost her Mae, but she's here, alive and breathing, and I'm selfishly crying here because she doesn't remember me..."

"You're not selfish to feel that way, Becky. You two have a special bond, and you have every right to feel like you've lost out..."

"She doesn't know who I am, Mae."

"She will learn. She will learn you all over again, it will take time, and it will be difficult, and there'll be more bad days than good days but..."

"But she will be worth it." Becky completed

Khun Mae squeezed her shoulder. "She's a fighter, even you know that. She's going to want to try everything she can to get her memories back, but she's going to need someone who believes in her, at her side at all times."

"I won't let her do it alone, Mae..."

"I know..."

"Nong... she wants to see you na." Nam peeked out the door.


Becky stood in the doorway this time, waiting.

"You can come in, Becky." Freen said from her bed, a look of apprehension, still in her eyes.

Becky folded her arms in front of her and took a few steps in, P'Nam was seated right next to Freen on her bed.

"I'm really sorry about earlier, this is very overwhelming for me and for you of course. How are you feeling?"

"Lost... unsure... scared..." Freen replied, honestly. The truth of her own feelings, hitting her hard, and bringing a bout of tears to her eyes.

Everything To Lose ( FreenxBecky)Where stories live. Discover now