Chapter 9: Masters of Disasters

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I was really excited to get this chapter out and couldn't wait for next week so... Double upload! Also I'll still post a chapter next week. Enjoy. Oh almost forgot not many images this chapter


(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... The world's toughest Chef used spoons to bring out DJ's killer instinct

He laughed as the memory of DJ throwing a spoon at Chef came to mind

(Chris): It was no thanks to DJ that Ezekiel and Heather had the bejeebies scared out of them. Victory seemed within reach, as Eva won the scream-off

He remembered the screams she got out of her teammates and chuckled

(Chris): Just as the Screaming Gaffers were about to cut someone loose, DJ's conscience, A.K.A. Mama DJ, got the best of him. DJ called himself out as a cheater, hopped into the lamousine, and rode off into the sunset. How will the contestants survive without DJ's gourmet cooking? Was it coriander or tarragon he used in that casserole? Discover all that and more in another thrilling and filling episode of Total. Drama. Action!



The Screaming Gaffers weren't excited for breakfast, mainly because DJ wasn't the one cooking the loser breakfasts now. Duncan watches cockroaches move around in his breakfast. He looks at Harold who tries eating a spoonful of the white sludge and began coughing aggressively 

(Harold): Ugh! I really miss DJ's cooking. It was as awesome as this is completely grossitating

Katie nodded in agreement as she poked her sorry excuse of a breakfast. Duncan nodded in agreement as he tipped the stuff in his bowl into Harolds bowl

(Katie): And just when I was getting used to his cooking...

The Grips were enjoying their winners food. They knew it was only a matter of time until they had to eat the slop that Chef makes so they enjoyed every bite. Kai sat down with a variety of delicious foods. He was typically given more then everyone else because he enjoyed Chef's cooking which was Chef's way of showing not so subtle favouritism 

(Kai): You hungry babe?

Kai sneakily offers Gwen croissant. She looked at the pastry and sneakily took it. Gwen flashed him a smile and ate the food out of Chef's sight  

(Harold): Bendy straws!

Harold calls out as he is seen playing with a bendy straw

(Harold): These are just like the ones they had at the hospital where I had my kidneys switched

Harold said with a nostalgic smile on his face. Justin looked shocked by the revelation

(Justin): Huh?

(Harold): I was born with a rare kidney condition. My left kidney was where the right one should be

Harold explained which garnered some attention

(Katie): You had a surgical kidney swap?

(Harold): That's right. I'm a rare case

Harold boasts proudly

(Heather): Hm. You're a rare case, all right

Harold visibly deflated at her words

(Harold): Whatever. I'm loading up

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