Chapter 1: Something new

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It was a beautiful day in Goiky. The sky was bright blue, the sun shone brightly, and there were very little clouds.  Bfb and TPOT had been finished long ago. Most of the objects were playing games, or chatting with one another. Some of the objects were even going on dates. All of them stayed in the grassy plains, except for four. Firey and Leafy were on their own little island, and TB and GB were in the forest nearby.

Golfball had grown bored recently, as she felt she had nothing new to do. She was one of the smartest objects in Goiky, and practically knew everything about everything. She came to the forest in hopes of finding something new, and Tennisball, being the good friend he is, tagged along. No objects ever really wandered that forest, as it was creepy and rumored to be dangerous, but GB was willing to go in there if it meant she got some raw, research worthy material.

"Golfballl, I don't like it here! It's so creepy, and I keep hearing weird noises!" TB cried out. "Quiet Tennisball! The chances of this forest actually being dangerous are 0.05! Besides, this could get interesting!" Tennisball sighed. "Fiiiinnnne" They continued walking for about 2 more hours when they saw a large cave. They stopped in their tracks. "Golfy look! A cave!" Golfball smiled. "Perfect! Let's explore! C'mon!" She rushed into the cave. "Wait for me!" TB yelled after.

The cave was huge, nothing like the two had ever seen before

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The cave was huge, nothing like the two had ever seen before. "Wow Golfy, this is...incredible"  "I know TB. Imagine what we can find in here!" The two scrambled farther into the cave. Golf ball looked at the various crystals growing on the side of the cave. Diamond, emerald, amethyst, amber, all gems she'd seen and done extended research on before. She grumbled in frustration. Was there anything new in this cave at all. She seemed to get a bit lost in her own thoughts, because she ended up just standing there for a good 10 minutes until she heard a voice call out to her. 

"Golfy! GOLLLFBALLLLL~! COME HERE!" Tennisball whined out. She followed his voice until she stumbled into a different part of the cave. Tennisball was in there, clearly staring at something. Had he finally found something? She walked over to his side, and she payed her eyes upon a substance. A black ooze puddle on the floor of the cave.  It was very shiny, and it was...glitching? That's what it looked like at least. Nothing like she'd even seen, in her 17 years of being a scientist. "" she faintly whispered out. "I know right he said."

Her slight smile quickly grew into a wide grin and she exclaimed out "THIS.IS.PERFECT" while slightly giggling. She could hardly contain her excitement. "Let's take it to your lab!" TB said, with a happy tone of voice. She scooped up the goop and poured in into a plastic baggie, which was difficult since it was very sticky. She finally got it all in, some of the residue still on her. "Great! Now let's get it back to our underground laboratory!" TB suddenly zoomed in front of her. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" "Hey! No fair!"

They got back to the main grounds where the other objects were. "Hey! How's it going" Coiny asked. "Notimetochatbyebye" Golfball quickly responded, and she continued running, with TB slightly ahead of her. Finally they made it to the lab. Where Golfball emptied the bag containing the substance into a glass vial. "TB, you can go play. I'll just run a few basic tests. "Okay!" Tennisball happily chirped. The then exited the underground lab. Golfball stared at the vial of liquid in wonder and amazement. "Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun!" she muttered. With no time to waste, she began her experiments.

 With no time to waste, she began her experiments

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To be continued...

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