"I want you, of course I want this but.."

Taehyung pouts, she doesn't like it when he's saying 'but' Jungkook is not like anyone he knows that will grab her every chance they can get. He has a lot of resistance when it comes to her, most of the time she's insisting to him

He knows his boundaries and has a lot of respect for her

"First of all, if we're going to do this, I mean this... This mating thing..."

Jungkook stops talking when Taehyung starts laughing at him

"What? Mating? You called this mating?"

"Why? Isn't it not?"

"Well yeah, it can be called like that but isn't it too deep to be called like that?"

"what else can i called it instead of mating?"

"Sex... or making love.. definitely making love"  she corrects her own words, she runs a finger on his chest then grabs his collar and pulls him for a kiss again but that kiss wouldn't last long 'cause Jungkook pull back again and look at her

"Well if I'm going to make love with you, I want to make it official..."

"Official? Like what?"

"Baby, I want to be your mate"

"Mate? Do you mean boyfriend"

"Well yeah! Mate, boyfriend whatever you want to call it.. i just want to make it more official if we are going to do the mating 'cause you really need something to know about me"

Taehyung pull back a little more from him. She's confused of his words

"You don't have a wife, no?"

"What? No. Of course not! I don't have a wife. I'm very much single"

"Then what are you saying 'to make it more official' like you're getting divorce first'?

"What, what's a divorce? I mean... You see, my father is here and he wants to meet you but before that I want to make it clear what we are... I want to be your mate"

"You mean boyfriend. You want to be my boyfriend"
Jungkook nods. This embarrassed him, in their world, as a proper merman, he needs to give her the most beautiful pearl he can get for proposal and he should do it, mostly to him because he's a prince before asking her to be his mate but he was just saying all of this without any gift

"Then be my boyfriend.. are we good now?"
She smiles without any idea what he supposed to do

"But I need to give you something.. and my dad, he need to meet you and talk about a lot of things about me"

"What is there more about you? And why should I meet him this early, as if we're getting married already"

Jungkook gives her a tight smile, the way she said it.. it's like she doesn't want to get married yet. Once a merman find his mate, they won't wait for a month long to get married

"Alright, we are now officially together but I still need to tell you everything and one more thing... Dad is, dad is here because I need to go back"

A moment of silence envelopes them. Taehyung is processing everything he had say

"You mean your dad is here because he is going to take you"
It slowly sinks in her, he is going.. he will leave her

Jungkook nods and holds her hand but she pull back. She doesn't want to be touch by him. They were just got official but he's leaving

"Baby let me explain.. I'm not going to leave you, at least not that long?"

"But still, you're going away"
Her eyes start to moisten, she's getting teary

"Love, I'm going but I promise you.. I'll be back. I promise.."

"No, you're not.  You're not going back"
She cries covering her face with her palms

"Wait, listen to me.. alright.. okay.. I need to tell you everything but first listen"

"what? What is it? How will I know that you're not lying? That you'll be back for me? What if he wants someone for you, that's why he's taking you home?"

Jungkook chuckles.. Taehyung seems to know something about arranged marriage in their kinds
"No. Definitely not that. I just need to do important things back home, and I will come back for you.. i promise you I just"
Jungkook breathes.. he needs to tell her everything, every single thing about him and hopes she will understand and still accepts him

He starts the car and drive. Taehyung still crying, didn't bother to ask where he's taking her till the sea comes to view

"where are you taking me? Why we're going to the beach?"

"I need to tell you something but for now, i need you to take rest. It's too late for now.. you need a rest"

" You think I can rest now that I know you're going to leave me?"

"love, I won't leave you. I can't leave you just like that! I love you. I love you that I can't leave you, you understand?! If I have a choice I won't leave but I need to do very important things back home"

"You.. you love me?"

"Yes, I love you Tae"

Taehyung wipes her tears and didn't pull back when Jungkook tries to hold her hand. She stays quiet and just follows him

Jungkook takes him in a hotel room. They checked in and takes care of her till she's laying in the bed to sleep. He plans to sleep on a couch or on the floor but Taehyung insists to sleep beside him

The bed is just right for two person and the couch looks uncomfortable to sleep on

"Jungkook hyungie" she whispers

He turns to his side

"I love you too"
Jungkook smiles and kisses her forehead

"I love you baby"
His arms around her waist, Taehyung leans on his chest. She's sleepy but wants to make sure he wouldn't leave her in the middle of her sleep, she asks again

"You won't leave me while I'm sleeping"

"No I won't.. i promise, sleep now.. take rest love"

Taeh closes her eyes and not long after she snores softly. Jungkook holds her close and think of things he needs to do for tomorrow but before he fall asleep too, he sent a message for his uncle, informing him where they are

"I hope you would still love me once you know what I am"
He kisses her again on the forehead and close his eyes


I'm sorry for this short update. I really thought I have published this weeks ago. Anyway happy Valentine's day to all


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