The Sound of Scilence

Start from the beginning

I make quick work of two then I grab one by the collar of his shirt and lift him off the ground.

Y/n: Where is Deathstroke!?

Henchman: He's hiding out at the old factory!

I knock him out and make my way to the factory where he's at. I feel a pain in my wound. I inject some more Venom and get even bigger and stronger. I knock down the doors and decimate every hencman in my way. I finally make it to where he is at. When I enter I see that he is staring out the window. I also see Cass tied up in the corner with bruises and cuts on her face but not much else damage.

Slade: I was counting on you showing up. You are the one I really wanted, Y/n.

Y/n: This ends here Slade.

He turns around.

Slade: Then come end it.

I rush at him and we begin fighting. He kicks me in the face and slashes me a lot with his sword, but I also get a lot of good hits on him. I eventually kick him out the window. He lands on the roof that was under it. I untie Cass and wake her up.

Cass: Y/n? You came for me?

Y/n: You're my best friend. Why wouldn't I?

Cass: Why are you taller and have more muscels.

Y/n: I took Venom.

Cass: Y/n, no. That messes with you in a bad way, you know that.

Y/n: I have to keep my people safe. Now let's get out of he-

Something grabs my leg and pulls me out the window. I grab on to the ledge.

Y/n: Get out of here I got this.

I fall onto the roof while Cassandra runs off. Me and Slade start fighting again and I can feel the Venom wearing off. I take out the injector but Slade knocks it out of my hand and off the roof. He then starts beating me now that I'm weaker.

Slade: You couldn't just quit could you?

He kicks me over.

Slade: You just had to keep chasing, keep fighting.

I get up. He swings his sword at me but I catch it with the spikes on my gauntlet and break it. He kicks me backwards. He then shoots me in the leg.

Y/n: Ah!

He grabs a shorter sword.

Slade: Good bye, Y/n.

He stabs me in the stomach and I feel the sword go all the way through. He looks me in the eye as he pulls the sword out of me, causing blood to flow out. I fall on the ground. He then leaves. I crawl over to a wall and sit against it, looking at the stars.

???: He's over here!

I look over trying to keep breathing. Dick, Damian, Cass, Tim, and Bruce run over to me. Cass takes my helmet off so I can breathe better. Bruce and Dick try to carry me but I cry out in pain and Tim stops them

Tim: The wounds to deep and he's losing blood fast. We could never get him back to the cave in time.

Bruce kneels down in front of me.

Y/n: Bruce...

Bruce: Don't talk save your breath. Tim help him.

Tim starts trying to administer first aid.

Y/n: Bruce, I'm scared.

Cass grabs my hand.

Bruce: You'll be okay.

Y/n: Dad... it won't work... the wound... it's to deep...

Bruce: Y/n...

Y/n: It's okay, Bruce... it's... okay...

3rd person pov

As Y/n's head slumps and his body goes limp, the others understand what had just happened. A friend, a brother, a son, was just lost. Tim checks his pulse and shakes his head. Bruce carries his son to the batmobile and takes him to the cave. The others look in horror as Y/n's body is carried to the infirmary bed and laid on it by his father.

A week later

Alfred: Sir, the funeral is about to start.

Bruce: Thank you, Alfred.

Bruce is sitting looking at a picture of him and Y/n on the day of his adoption. He walks out to the funeral that is taking place on a rainy day. The others sit around the casket, heads bowed, some with tears in their eyes. But no one with a smile on their face. Bruce looked down as memories rush in.

Meanwhile two dark figures watch. An older, yet spry man, and a woman.

???: Are you sure we should do this?

???: The detective makes soldiers. This one peaked my interest. Have some men bring him to me.

They walk away. Then Y/n's casket is lowered and buried.

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