Chapter 1: reincarnated in the game I hate

Start from the beginning

Balcus:"Of course lady Zola."

Later that night Leon and his brother Nicks are sitting together in the storage shed eating dinner. While Leon starts having the strangest sense of Deja vu.

Leon: "Why don't we get to live in the main house?"

Nicks: "You know why we're half breeds and to make matters worse we were born out of wedlock. Lady Zola is the family matriarch meaning she has all the power."

It's then that some memories start to come back to Leon.

Leon: "Can you repeat that?"

Nicks: "Lady Zola has all the power. Women in general have all the power half breeds like us would be lucky to end up as paramours."

Leon goes over to one of the text books and takes note of a specific symbol. Now the memories start flooding back of an old life where he played a downright awful Otome game. Leon remembers how he played the game against his will for days and ultimately lost his life after 100%ing the game and falling down a flight of stairs. Most of all Leon remembered how little power men had in this world.

Leon: 'This is that shitty Otome game from before...'

Leon lets out a horrified scream frightening his older brother Nicks.

Meanwhile in the uncharted sky islands.

An airship flies towards a glowing spot on a lake as an old man looks forward with a serious expression on his face.

???: "That fortune teller said my grandson will come here in time

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???: "That fortune teller said my grandson will come here in time. No doubt he'll seek the very thing I spent my life searching for. Laplace's box..."

The old man steps down into the cargo hold where a pure white mobile suit with a distinctive horn on its head sits idle.

???: "The principality will come for both of you. Both you and my grandson are the key to Laplace's box."

???: "This place will be his first test

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???: "This place will be his first test. Well you and the old Zeon AI hidden here."

A vortex opens as the airship vanishes into thin air.

Unicorn Gundam in an Otome gameWhere stories live. Discover now