" Do you know how hard it was for me to ignore his cries and pleas to bring his mother back? How could I have told him that I can't even fulfill that small wish of him.. of completing the family? I had to be cold to him Y/N...I had to keep a stone in my heart to protect my child from getting hurt more. But I didn't expected that in order to do so, he will lose that smile and charm of him. He slowly started distancing himself from everyone, started talking less and less to people, including me. He started to feel he wasn't worthy of being loved. He turned out to be cold and emotionless as he is now ".

Dad looked at me and said again, " Dear, whatever I told you today, I want you to keep it only between us. Once he's back, do not tell him about this. I don't want to destroy the image he have of his mother. Those six years she still was with us, she had been a good mother to him. And probably that's the reason he still has a great and emotional attachment to her, longs for her. So, let him keep hating me for I hope he will be able to forget her one day by his own and that day he will be able to forgive me too ".

I nodded at him assuredly as he continued again, " His wounds are still fresh. Physical wounds heal soon, but the ones you have here, " Dad pointed to his heart, " It takes a lot of time for them to heal. But you know what dear, all these years, he has never cared about if he has ever hurt anyone be it intentionally or unintentionally, he has never feel the need to do that, to care about how others feel. But the moment you came into his life, I'm starting to see that son of mine again who lost his smile and belief in love all those years ago. I have noticed how he is starting to change back into that boy who was once caring and loving. It's all because of you dear. And now that he has started to care again, this care, this fear that he has hurt you, and might do it again.... even if unintentionally... You are getting what I mean, right? " Dad asked as I nodded again, understanding every word he said.

" You are such a strong person Dad. I really admire you for that ". I smiled at him meaning my words as he patted my head lightly.

" So, you have to be strong too. Don't let yourself break apart. Life will test you in many ways, but you have to be the one to handle them bravely and with grace. Think of this as a test too but don't forget to take care of your health. Now get up and eat something hmn ". Dad smiled back as I nodded at him again.

* End of flashback *

* Present time *

You have suffered a lot Yoongi. Once we are together back again, I'll show you how beautiful love can be. I'll make you believe in it and that's a promise to you from me.

I wiped away the tear off that fell down my cheek before picking up my phone from the table in front of me.

I dialled a number and placed the phone against my ear and the person picked it up on the first ring. A smile formed on my lips hearing the familiar voice from the other end.

" Oh! So my daughter finally got the time to remember her mother apart from her husband, hmn? " My mother's cheerful teasing voice echoed in my ears as I chuckled hearing her.

" Mom! I missed you! "

" I missed you too my child! " Mom said back, her voice full of love and warmth which immediately made my heart feel calm.

" What are you doing now and where's Dad? "

" Just about to prepare lunch honey and your Dad, he's in the study. Should I go hand over the phone to him? "

" No! No! Do not disturb him since he's working. I'll call him myself later " I said with a smile as Mom replied positively.

" How have you been? " She asked next and that made me go silent. The tears gathered back in my eyes and as I tried to search for words to answer her, she asked again,

" Y/n...you are okay, right? Where's Yoongi? How's he? " Her voice turned into a concerned tone, sensing the tensed feeling and I had to press my mouth with my hand not to let a sob out. I can't tell her about this.. No.

" I.. I'm okay Mom. And Yoongi... he's..he's good too. He is at the company now ". I said. It's hurting me that I had to lie to her. But I really can't tell her about this.

" Hmn... Glad to hear that " She said though I can still feel the worried look she might be having on her face now.

" When are you going to visit us dear? Your dad and I are longing to see you. Bring Yoongi with you this time when you come. It's been a long time since I've seen him too ". Mom said in a soft tone as I replied, ignoring her last words.

" I only went there two months ago, Mom! " I chuckled again as she whined.

" Hmn..My daughter is all grown up now. She doesn't want to leave her husband at all huh! But two months is a long time for us na ".

She said making something stab in my heart. Two months! That's when life was still beautiful and better when he was beside me.

" It's not like that Mom. Yes, my husband is precious to me, but you and Dad are precious to me too ".

" That's my child. Ok, but how about we go to visit you then? What do you think? Also..." My mother asked as I cut her off, " No Mom! You can't come now! " I said in a panicked voice which made her a little suspicious as I can imagine her raising an eyebrow.

" Ahh.. I mean.. I forgot to tell you that Yoongi will be going on a business trip soon and this time I'll be going with him too. And you know what, he asked me that, to go along with him. It will be a business trip and a fun trip too ". I said cheerfully, trying to convince her by my tone.

" Oh! Really? " Mom asked, a happiness reflecting in her voice as I replied in a yes before continuing again, " It may take a little longer for us to be back. So Mom, you can come visit us once we are back ". I said, hating myself that I had to lie to her again.

" That's good. Enjoy your trip with him. But don't forget to check on us too dear. We really miss you so much ".

If I could, I would have run to her so that she can pull me into her warm embrace but... Again, I can't do so.

" I miss you too! Mom...I need to prepare lunch too. I love you and tell Dad that I love him too and don't worry, I'll keep checking on you often ". I said as Mom replied back, " I love you too my child. Take care! " before I ended the call.

Putting down the phone back on the table, I sighed. Looking up, I took a look around the empty house. I thought of going to my parents as I want to leave from here for a while but then decided not to as my mother will immediately notice something's not right looking at me. In this world, I can lie to anyone and anyone can believe it but not just my mother. It won't take her too long to see through my lie had I gone there and stood before her.

But, I also can't stay here anymore. I picked up my phone from the table again and dialled another number.

As I waited for her to receive the call, she finally picked up after three rings.

The first flashback of this series✨ This part might be a little boring but hope you liked it!💜

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