"I suggest that we get out of here now Oppie," he whispered. "Possibly head back to Los Alamos and get some supplies and leave."

"Yes that's the plan Lloyd," he whispered. "I suggest that we start moving. I fear that our enemies are not too far away."

Oppenheimer and Lloyd began limping down the hallway towards the exit. Pausing to check down the multiple other hallways for Soviet soldiers. Upon reaching the exit Oppenheimer gripped his hand around the metal door handle which still felt slightly warm from the heat of the blast. Turning the handle the door fell off its hinges onto the warm desert sands. Cautiously walking out of the laboratory feeling the hot afternoon sun on their faces they both looked around and noticed that coast is clear. Gazing straight ahead they noticed that the town of Los Alamos was surrounded by a small group of Soviet soldiers. Lloyd then looked at Oppenheimer with an anxious look on his face.

"I am not sneaking in there," he said. "There is a bunch of soldiers who most likely want us dead over there."

"Well we can't stay near the lab as there are more soldiers in the lab who also want to kill us," he replied. "So going into the town and possibly hiding for a bit is our best option."

"Firstly where are we going to hide?" he asked.

"We could hide in my house. Besides I have a few more documents to grab before they get into the wrong hands," he replied. "I suggest that we get moving. But be careful we can't get caught."

Oppenheimer went to start walking towards the town. But Lloyd grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Wait a second they will immediately recognise us if we just simply walk in there," he said.

"Yes but that's only if they recognise us," he replied. "I have a plan."

"Don't tell me that you are going to steal one of their uniforms and wear it," he said. "Because firstly if one of them talks to you it's basically over as you don't speak Russian Oppie."

"New plan," he replied. "Just hide and wait until nightfall. Then we can sneak out of there."

Oppenheimer and Lloyd began walking towards the town. Upon entering the town they started ducking behind buildings and cars avoiding Soviet patrols. Eventually they got to the front of Oppenheimers house and Oppenheimer opened the wooden door which quietly creaked once it was pushed open. Lloyd strolled inside and Oppenheimer followed behind him quietly closing the door then locking it.

"At least they haven't started ransacking houses yet," he said while looking around.

"That's good as I have more important documents to grab," he replied while walking over a door. "I'll be in my office sorting out the documents. I suggest you go into the kitchen grab some food. Maybe empty out any of the bottles of alcohol and put water in them."

"What kind of food exactly?" he asked.

"Food that doesn't expire quickly. Anything in cans, grains, dried food anything like that," he replied while opening the door to his office and entering it.

Lloyd then wandered into the kitchen and walked over to silver the fridge. Upon opening the fridge he heard the quiet hum of the fridges motor. Scouring the fridge he noticed that it was almost empty except for six bottles of alcohol.

Lloyd thought to himself. "Someone might have a problem. But is that my business? No its not. Besides everyone has their own demons."

Grabbing two bottles of wine out of the fridge and closing the fridge. He felt coolness of the glass on his hands along with the weight of them in his hands. Placing the bottles down on the nearby rounded wooden dining table he then opened them. Picking them back up and carrying them over to the sink he started pouring the dark red liquid down the sink. Filling the air with the smell of alcohol. Once the bottles were empty he started rinsing them out with water. Then he filled both of them up with water and then put the bottle caps back on.

The Shadows of TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now