The "dumpster" theory

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This part is a general explanation of the theory! In future parts I'll explain the details of each region and how it got there (if I manage to figure out more than just Technopolis and the Lost World)

There's really not much of an explanation of how the series' world actually works. We just know that it's divided in 5 (Enchanted Island, Medievalia, the Lost World, Technopolis, Gunpowder Island) and that there's different inhabitants in each one of them.
The thing is that all of them seem to belong to different moments of Earth's history, however it's very clear that this world has nothing to do with ours. Or does it?

Some months ago, I came up with the idea that the Super 4 world is just a place where some things from Earth end up going. It wouldn't be so surprising, since this is a concept that has already been explored in media (I can't remember any names tho, I just know these kind of stories exist). Some stuff (and living beings) on Earth disappear overnight and appear in the Super 4 world. That would explain why there's pirates that look like they're from the 18th century, super advanced technology, dinosaurs and 12th century knights living all together in the same world at the same time.

However, there's evidence that Earth is not the only place things come from.
We have the fairies, elves, witches and wizards, beings capable of creating and/or channeling magic that is clearly not from our world (interpreting this universe's Earth as the real world we all live in, since there's nothing in the series about its Earth).
We also have the misterios and furios, tribes that live in the Lost World. They do seem to be based off of native American tribes (also their names are in Spanish, "misterio" means mystery and "furio" may come from "furia" which means rage. Spanish people were the first Europeans to have contact with those tribes, they were outsiders to them just like the Super 4 to the furios and misterios. And the Super 4 seem to be the ones that gave them the names. I really don't think that's a coincidence at all), but aside from that, they do not look, sound or seem earthly at all.
There's also the trolls, dragons and other mystical beasts that are walking around in their world.

Aside from that, there's the aliens (I never learnt to spell their name I'm sorry okay), but it's no surprise they're otherworldly since they're literally aliens.

The last point for the general explanation would be that there's some kind of memory erasure involved in the process of leaving the homeworld and entering the Super 4 world. That'd explain why everyone appears so dumb in the series, and why, for example, Kingsland folks keep trusting the Baron again and again even tho they know full well that he's evil, because he has done evil things before their very eyes MULTIPLE times in the past.

That's it for this part! I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the comments. As I stated at the beginning, I'll make more parts about this one theory about each of the regions and how I think they could've gotten to where they are (I'll also talk about Rock Brock, because damn that guy's stupid but his existence is such a mystery).

Also, feel free to suggest any existing theory that you'd like to read about here!!

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