Chapter 11: Ocean's Thirteen- or Fourteen

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... We learned that war movies are brutal! At first, our contestants were flying high. But tensions soon ran deep when Grips couldn't capture the footlocker to win the challenge. Despite the inspiring leadership of Admiral Lindsay, Her Hotness. And while the Gaffers technically won that battle, you have to wonder if they lost the war because their biggest conflict is still with each other

Chris remembers the fight Duncan, Katie, and Harold had in the previous episode

(Chris): In the end, even though Kai had a bad headache, his heart was wide open as he faced a voting tragedy. Was it time for him to go? Nah! He got to switch teams! You keep coming back for the explosive drama, I keep coming back for the perks. Car chase this week!

The camera zooms out showing he's in a sports car

(Chris): And with thirteen contestants left, the engines are on and the stereo is set to thump to the catchy opening theme song. It's time for some more Total. Drama. Action!

Chris hits the accelerator and accidentally crashes into a tree

(Chris): Aw, crap!



The Gaffers enjoyed their breakfast, Duncan is carving a skull into the table. He looked up noticing Heather's stare

(Duncan): What?

(Heather): Vandal

She looked at Harold and immediately looks disgusted

(Heather): Nerd

Harold blows a raspberry. Kai and Gwen sat with each other happy to be on the same team again. Though their current topic of discussion was Kai's personalities

(Kai): So yeah, I haven't been able to get in contact with any of them and honestly its worrying me

(Gwen): What do you think caused this?

Mal, was Kai's first thought but he didn't verbalise it

(Kai): Well this started happening after I hit my head in that disaster challenge

(Duncan): So why don't you try hitting your head again?

Duncan offered an idea. He was near the couple and overheard their conversation

(Harold): I wouldn't recommend doing that

Harold stated also being close enough to hear the conversation. As Kai looked around he noticed that a lot of eyes and ears were on him and Gwen. Probably because their a couple on the same team and they want to make sure an alliance isn't happening

(Duncan): And why's that?

Duncan asked with a glare

(Harold): If hitting his head caused him to lose access to his personalities what do you think might happen if he hits his head again?

Harold shot back with his own glare

(Duncan): It'll do a reset

(Harold): No it might cause further harm to him!



Justin Confessional

(Justin): So after listening to Kai, Gwen, and the bickering between Duncan and Harold. I found out that Kai doesn't have access to his personalities. Thats bad and good. Bad because he won't be able to easily win challenges. Good because he's an easy target to get rid of in merge

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