xi. passion - ky

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I perched on my balcony, the stormy weather swirling around me as I exhaled a plume of smoke from my cigarette, reveling the familiar burn as it trailed down my throat

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I perched on my balcony, the stormy weather swirling around me as I exhaled a plume of smoke from my cigarette, reveling the familiar burn as it trailed down my throat. With a casual lean back in my chair, I found peace in the glow of my phone screen, a little distraction from everything else going on.

It's funny how things change.

I used to avoid the outdoors like the plague, but now, with my own apartment, I've grown to love this space. The balcony, with its pretty nice view of the city, has become my sanctuary, a place where I can take a deep breath amidst life's chaos. And despite my financial struggles, I count my blessings every day for this humble home I thankfully got to keep.

I tried to push aside my worries, distracting myself with thoughts of Ava. She was my comfort, now more than ever, especially with the weight of my recent deal weighing on me.

As my gaze flickered over a photo of us on my phone, recently posted by Ava, I couldn't help but feel the shift in our relationship. Going from best friend to something more intimate was unexpected, given our recent break.

But I hoped it would be enough to keep Leon at bay, and perhaps even help me move on from Joy.

Joy Addams, the ghost of my first love still lingered in the recesses of my mind. With a sigh, I pushed aside memories of her and focused on the present moment.

A faint blush crept across my cheeks as I remembered the moment shared with Ava, her little stunt still keeping me up at night.

Just as I was about to go back indoors, a notification caught my attention. Rosalie? The username stared back at me, Joy's best friend who harbored nothing but hate towards me.

With a last glance outside, I closed the door behind me, the darkness outside mirroring the unease creeping into my thoughts.

Guess it was time to bid the peace farewell. Settling onto my black couch, I hesitated, contemplating whether to open the message or not.

After all, my story had just held a pic of Ava and me, simply reposting the post. Was Rosalie reaching out because of that?

Without a moment's hesitation, I tapped on the message, trying to hide the scoff at the audacity that threatened to escape me.

"Okay, now what the fuck is wrong with you?" it read, a scathing reply to my story. "Imagine fucking the girl you always told your girlfriend not to worry about."

I took a little offence at the accusation, a wave of frustration and resentment coursing through me.

How dare she? How fucking dare she throw accusations like that at me? Did she really have nothing better to do than poke her nose into my business? I couldn't help but scoff at her audacity.

Knowing Rosalie, she was probably just bored out of her mind, she had no life, no personality to speak of. Conversations with her were always painfully dull, like talking to a wall.

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