☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 19 ☽

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Rory's POV ˚˖°

"..And we can't stay in the sun for too long." Ray said.

For the last fifteen minutes I've been getting lectured by Ray about vampires.

I've only been half-listening. The good news is that they agreed to turn me though.

Around half-way through this 'lecture', Gerard had taken Y/N outside because he thought that being outside would sober her up a little.

"Look, I know we all agreed that we could turn you, but who's going to..bite you?" Frank asked, leaning forward and whispering.



I never thought about that.

Someone would have to bite my neck.

"I guess Y/N could do it, we're friends, I don't think she'd mind." Frank gave me a weird look.

"I don't think Y/N would want to do that. She's pretty emotional and I think that would make her pretty upset, y'know I mean having to turn your best friend would be a lot all at once. And also, Y/N is the least experienced vampire of us all." Mikey explained.

"Oh okay then.."

We all glanced between each other before Frank spoke.

"Let's make Ray do it."

I could feel the heat go to my face and my eyes widened. "What?!" Me and Ray both said at the same time, looking at Frank immediately.

He rolled his eyes with a groan. "Look, we've only been here for two weeks but it is so obvious that you two like each other."

Before Frank could continue, Y/N and Gerard walked back in and sat down.

"So, did you guys figure out who's going to bite her?" Gerard asked while he wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

"It should be Ray! He likes her, it's so fucking obvious, can't any of you tell?" Y/N blurted out.

"You know what, I don't care. If Ray is willin' to do it then I don't care." I said, slamming my hands on the table.

"Uh, yeah sure, whatever, I'll do it I guess." Ray said.

"Cool, it's finally decided, now let's go back to the hotel so we can get some sleep before we leave tomorrow." Gerard said, holding Y/N's hand as they both stood up. "Oh and Frank, you're paying for the food."

"What?! Why me?!" Before Frank could yell more, Gerard and Y/N ran outside.

"Have fun with that Frank, the whole bill is basically all beer." I said with a chuckle as I waited for Ray and Mikey so we could walk out.

"Oh come on! Beer is fucking expensive!" was the last thing I heard him say as we left and waited outside for him to pay.

When we made it back to the hotel Gerard and
Y/N were already there, passed out under the blankets on one of the beds. Mikey told me that him and Frank were sleeping on the couch and Ray had taken the other bed.

Cool, so it's either the floor, or sleepin' with Ray.

"I-if you want you can take the bed, or we both can, except we use separate blankets." Ray said as he took off his jacket and threw it on the ground.

"I'm fine with sharin' a blanket. I sleep hot anyways, so I won't really need it." I replied as I took off my shoes and set them near my bag.

"Okay, cool.." He nodded before grabbing a towel and going into the bathroom to take a shower.

I quickly changed into some pink pajama shorts that had bats on them and a white tank top before grabbing my headphones and Ipod. I always fall asleep with my headphones on.

I got in the bed and got covered in the blanket. And in ten minutes, I was dead asleep.

Y/N's POV ˚˖°

The first thing I saw this morning was definitely a sight, to say the least.

It was kinda sweet though.

And I'm really hungover.

I had sat up in bed with a massive headache and rubbed my eyes. "Fucking hell..." I muttered as I took off my blanket and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

I looked across the room and saw Rory and Ray cuddling with each other, both still asleep.

I smiled before grabbing a bottle of asprin or whatever was on the table and took two. I quickly changed and walked to where the couch was and sat next to Gerard.

"Hello, darling. How insufferable was I last night?" I asked with a giggle as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Good morning to you too, sugar." He chuckled. "You weren't insufferable, necessarily, but you definitely spilled some secrets. If you even remember what I'm talking about."

I know I was drunk as fuck, but ooh boy. I can definitely remember everything I said last night.

Well, most of it at least.

"So, is Ray actually going to bite her?"

"He might've already, I mean with how close they are right now, he might've bit her last night." He said with a chuckle as I hit his shoulder. "Gee! You don't actually think they did that right away right?"

"Hey, we did, look at us now."

"Well, you aren't wrong, I guess." I said and rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

Mikey had gone to pick up breakfast and Frank tagged along so it was just us four for a while. Ray and I had packed up the van with everything we brought.

And I got him to say some things.

About Rory.

"So, you agreed to turn her right?" I asked as I shoved an Amp into the back of the trunk. He simply nodded.

"I mean, I didn't think anyone else would want to, and Frank, Mikey and I all thought that it'd be too much on you to turn your friend into a vampire."

"Y'know, thank you for considering my feelings." I smiled at him as we finished putting everything in the trunk and he shut the door. "Now what feelings do you have for Rory?" I blurted, catching him off guard.

He stuttered a bit at the beginning before coming to a simple conclusion.

"I like her."

Words - 1,035

Hey guys! Just wanted to say that finals and state tests are coming up soon for me so chapters probably won't come out on schedule/a lot later since I'll barely have anytime to write. Please understand <3
— Love, Salem

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