Michelle: I would love too but I have somewhere to be.

Vin: Michelle?

Michelle: I'll see you later.

(With that she walks out and jumps in the car and drives off.)

Vin: Sorry about that.

Patricia: Did I do something wrong?

Vin: No, she's not really a morning person.

Patricia: Did something ever happen between you two?

Vin: (gives her a look) What makes you say that?

Patricia: I don't know, she just had this look on her face. I don't think she likes me very much.

Vin: Nah, she just has to warm up to you. But enough about that, let's enjoy this delicious breakfast and maybe we can take a walk.

Patricia: Ok, I can use some fresh air.

(Vin smiles at her before he brings her plate over before sitting down himself. They talk and share laughs over breakfast before headed out. Vin wraps an arm over her shoulder as her hand rest at his waist.)

Vin: What's on your mind?

Patricia: Can I ask you something?

Vin: Sure, hit me.

Patricia: What is Michelle to you?

Vin: (looks at her) What do you mean?

Patricia: I mean has anything ever happened between the both of you?

Vin: (scratch his head) Ummmm!

Patricia: I'll take that as a yes. How long ago was it?

Vin: A few years ago. We just decided that we are better off as friends.

Patricia: That's not weird?

Vin: Nope, she's my best friend. My family.

Patricia: Hmmm.

Vin: What?

Patricia: Nothing,

(They continue to eat until it was time to go for their walk by the beach. He lead her out and takes her hand in his as he smiles at her.)

Vin: It's such a beautiful day.

Patricia: Yeah, I've never been here before.

Vin: Funny thing, this is where Michelle grew up most of her life.

Patricia: Really?

Vin: Yep, so this is like coming home for her.

Patricia: (looks down) Not to change the subject but, what are we doing here Vin? We've been tip toeing around whatever this is between us.

(He stops and turns her towards him.)

Vin: I want more.

Patricia: More?

Vin: You and I, I want more.

Patricia: So you want to make this official?

Vin: I do.

Patricia: (smiles) Ok.

Vin: Yeah?

Patricia: Mmhmmm.

Vin: Ok, then that's settled. Now can I take you out to dinner tonight?

Patricia: I'd love that.

Vin: Good,

(He bends his head and seal her lips with a kiss as he wraps her up in his arms. After pulling away to catch their breaths she grasps his hand and they continue their walk.)

(By seven that evening Vin was in his room getting dressed as Michelle was just coming in. She place her keys down and head to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water. As she drinks she sees Vin in her peripheral and turns to him.)

Vin: Hey your back.

Michelle: Yeah, I see your going out.

Vin: Yeah, I'm taking Pat out for our first real date.

Michelle: Oh, that's great.

Vin: What's wrong?

Michelle: Nothing, I'm just tired. Been out in that heat all day and I'm drained.

Vin: Your sure?

Michelle: Yep, I'm going to head to my room.

Vin: Hey maybe we can hang out later?

Michelle: Yeah ok. Have a great time Vin.

Vin: You want me to bring you something back?

Michelle: No I'm good, thanks.

Vin: Ok, see you later.

(Michelle gives him a small smile before she head upstairs to her room. She closes her door and strips off her clothes and head to the shower. Downstairs Vin stands there for a minute before he picks up his keys and head out.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now