Tactical Triumph - Chapter 32

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"I understand. I didn't mean to drop such a heavy question out of the blue. It's just, after our last conversation yesterday before we went our separate ways, I couldn't help but wonder," Ruby'ck spoke, her voice calm yet carrying a slight smile as her gaze remained fixed on her captain's eyes.

In response, Zach met her eyes with a slightly furrowed brow.

"I've been considering disbanding the Renaissance. Surrendering myself to Ybael, trying to negotiate with him. Maybe that would secure the safety of all of you. The trajectory of my future... it doesn't weigh heavily on my concerns." Zach shared with a hint of contemplation in his voice.

Ruby'ck, with a firm expression, responded, "No, Zach. Disbanding the Renaissance and surrendering yourself is not the solution. We've come too far to give up now. We fight together, we survive together. There has to be another way for our safety, right? A way that doesn't involve sacrificing yourself. We'll find it together. When it comes to your future, count on me. I'll be there to lend my support."

In a voice weakened by illness but fortified with unwavering conviction, Ruby'ck continued, "I believe in our ability to overcome, to fight for a better future together. We'll navigate through challenges together, and I refuse to let you confront this burden alone. "

She followed in a weakened sick voice, "I believe in our ability to overcome, to fight for a better future together. We'll find a way, and I won't let you face this alone."

As Ruby'ck succumbed to the grip of fever, her words trailed off, leaving her unconscious. However, Zach, ever watchful, instinctively cradled her shoulders, ensuring she wouldn't collapse to the ground.

"My future. What do I truly desire? What is it that I even want? Do I genuinely seek nothing more than ensuring their safety? But, as I reflect, uncertainty blankets the road ahead once the duty of protection becomes obsolete. What lies beyond in the aftermath, and what awaits when their shelter is no longer my charge?" Zach pondered aloud, a subtle frown gracing his features.

Zach continued, "It's not easy to decipher what lies ahead. The future is a puzzle, and right now, I'm searching for the missing pieces. But I appreciate your unwavering support, Ruby'ck. It means more than you can imagine."

As Zach gazed upon the unconscious visage of Ruby'ck, a melancholic smile graced his lips, bearing the weight of concern for the uncertain path that lay ahead.

Gently lifting the unconscious Ruby'ck onto his back, Zach cradled her with care, navigating through the camp to return her to the sanctuary of her tent. In a hushed and slightly somber tone, he spoke, "I'll take you to your tent and make sure you're comfortable. Thank you, Ruby'ck."

As Zach approached the lively campfire where his comrades sat, their faces reflecting both curiosity and concern, inquiries about Ruby'ck's condition filled the air.

"Captain, what happened?" Leeani's voice held genuine concern.

Nert, with a furrowed brow, echoed the question, "What happened to Ruby, captain?"

The collective gaze of the group fixated on Zach as he continued his deliberate steps, bearing Ruby'ck on his back. As he gently laid her down in the tent, he felt the weight of their collective worry. Taking a moment, he carefully covered her fevered form with a blanket, shielding her from the cool night breeze of the grassland.

Approaching his comrades with worry etched across their faces, Zach made his way towards the circle of concern that surrounded the campfire.

"Ruby'ck is running a fever. Jiighual and Kazaks, I need you to explore the grassland and find some ginger. If possible, bring back lemons and honey as well. We'll brew a concoction in hot water, and I'll have Ruby'ck drink it to aid her recovery. Move swiftly, we need to act now," Zach directed urgently to Jiighual and Kazaks.

"Look for ginger near the riverbanks, honey can be found in the wildflowers around, and lemons may be hanging from the trees. Make sure to gather them carefully, and be back as soon as possible," Zach followed up with an instruction, emphasizing the importance of a swift yet cautious retrieval of the ingredients.

"Understood, Captain Zach!" Kazaks exclaimed energetically.

"Consider it done, Captain," Jiighual acknowledged, responding promptly to their leader's instructions. With a burst of energy, the two rose from their positions, swiftly navigating the area as directed by their captain.

"But a fever? She seemed perfectly fine when she emerged from the tent," Yzavynne voiced, her expression now clouded with evident concern and worry.

"I didn't notice anything unusual," Nert admitted, furrowing his brow in worry.

Leeani, too, chimed in, "Yeah, she was chatting with us just a while ago. What could have happened?" Their faces mirrored the shared concern for their fellow rebel, Ruby'ck.

Zach, now surrounded by the anxious faces of his comrades, took a moment to explain, "It seems Ruby'ck developed a fever. She mentioned she couldn't sleep last night, and the stress and fear caught up with her. We need to act fast. Jiighual and Kazaks are fetching some ginger, lemon, and honey. We'll make hot water as we wait for the ingredients that I instructed them to get, to bring down her fever. In the meantime, Yzavynne and Leeani, keep an eye on her and ensure she stays warm." The gravity of the situation settled on their faces as they prepared to assist their ailing comrade.

"Alright, Zachy," Yzavynne responded, rising from her seat with a furrowed brow and a trace of concern etched on her face.

"Okay, captain," Leeani chimed in, mirroring the same worry as they both stood up, their attention shifting towards Ruby'ck peacefully sleeping in the tent.

They approached the tent where Ruby'ck was resting, their steps heavy with concern for their ailing comrade.

"Is she going to be alright, captain?" Nert inquired, still seated on the log, his expression reflecting genuine worry.

"She will be okay," Zach assured, attempting to offer reassurance amid the evident apprehension.

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