Covert Expedition - Chapter 38

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"Zach, the leader of the Renaissance. I cannot fathom your true intentions, but as my rapier pierces your chest in your final moments, I want you to grasp the undeniable truth: war is a malevolent force that brings no goodness to the world," Ybael asserted with unwavering determination.

In a moment of contemplation, Ybael found himself gazing at the moon from the solitude of a castle tower, his countenance etched with a solemn frown. Amidst the haunting silence, he uttered profound reflections on the nature of conflict.

"War, a relentless force, leaves indelible scars on the soul. It's a harrowing experience, particularly for those who never sought the chaos of battle in the first instance," Ybael mused, his voice carrying the weight of memories and the burdens borne by those thrust into the turmoil of war.

As Sentinel reached the summit of the castle tower, finding Ybael engrossed in his own contemplation, he couldn't help but inquire about his friend's introspective moment.

"Ybael? What are you doing there?" Sentinel queried, curious about the sudden stillness that had overtaken his usually composed companion.

Caught off guard by the unexpected presence of Sentinel, Ybael momentarily ceased his musings and directed his attention towards his friend.

"Hey, Sentinel. I'm just admiring the view here. The peace and quietness, I wish this could go on forever. A moment without the chaos of war lingering in the air," Ybael responded, his voice carrying a sense of yearning for tranquility.

In response, Sentinel, ever the pragmatist, offered his perspective on the impermanence of all things.

"Oh, pfft. Come on, Ybael. Everything has an end. Eventually, all the things we'll contribute to life will cease to exist. That's life. As much as I hate war, I always have stayed neutral about it. Nothing lasts forever," Sentinel remarked, injecting a dose of realism into the serene scene unfolding atop the castle tower.

"That sound—." Ybael began, his words trailing off as he was abruptly cut off.

"Surprised, aren't you? Well, you should have anticipated my knack for unexpected entrances. After all, we've been friends long before the specter of war cast its shadow upon us. That's life for you. The very things that stir your disdain, they're transient. Everything you loathe about it? It will all fade away eventually," Sentinel remarked, his tone a blend of nonchalance and profound insight, emphasizing the impermanence inherent in the tapestry of life.

"You've always been quite chill about things, Sentinel, haven't you?" Ybael asked, noting his friend's easygoing demeanor.

"In life, Ybael, I've learned to stay in the middle of things," Sentinel responded calmly.

"Neutral, you mean?" Ybael queried.

"Yeah, more or less. I've stopped resisting the flow.  I've stopped fighting against the tides, just letting whatever happens, happen. Living in the moment, you know?" Sentinel explained with a shrug.

As they ambled through the castle courtyard, Ybael and Sentinel delved deeper into their conversation, touching on the profound aspects of life, war, and death.

"You ever think about what happens after all this, Sentinel?" Ybael asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Sentinel gazed into the distance, "It's a question that has haunted many minds, my friend. The afterlife, the unknown that awaits beyond the battles we fight."

Ybael frowned, "I've lost friends in this war, Sentinel. The thought of what comes after both scares and comforts me."

Sentinel placed a reassuring hand on Ybael's shoulder, "Death is a journey we all embark upon, Sentinel. It's the one certainty in this uncertain world. But what we do in the time we have matters."

Ybael nodded, "Maybe that's the key, finding meaning in the chaos."

Sentinel smiled, "Exactly. In the face of war and the specter of death, we create our own purpose, our own legacy."

The rustling of the trees produced a chilly swishing sound, causing Sentinel to shiver in the sudden drop in temperature.

"It's freezing in here. I'll head back inside the Royal Citadel now. I'll probably take a good sleep," Sentinel announced in a calm voice.

"Alright. Good night," Ybael responded calmly.

"Good night," Sentinel replied as he descended the spiral staircase of the castle tower.

After a few minutes of Sentinel's departure from the castle tower, Ybael cast another glance at the moon.

As Ybael lingered in the moonlit silence, he whispered to himself, "Life, a series of fleeting moments stitched together by the threads of our actions. In the tapestry of existence, each choice leaves an indelible imprint, shaping the canvas of our journey."

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