Chapter 49 - Apex Predator

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HYDRA base, Siberia, September 3, 1946

It was different this time. Evelyn was usually able to disassociate Bucky from the Winter Soldier whenever she was forced to lie with him, but not now. Her body was betraying her. She felt that all-too-familiar desire, that overpowering heat, rising from within her core at every thrust. She wanted his touch so badly, her lip bled as she bit down and shut her eyes. The same sentence was stuck on repeat in her mind in an attempt to dissuade her hunger from taking the better of her.

He's not Bucky. He's not Bucky. He's notohChrist!

Evelyn's fingers gripped the covering of the examination bed as her nails dug into it, desperate to contain the moan that almost escaped her. Damn Zola! The little weasel's initial order of their coupling being only every two weeks hadn't lasted long. Rather, he wanted it immediately before and after every mission the Soldier went on, which because of the non-existent schedule could be at any random time.
Being forced to do this now after making love to Bucky only yesterday was too damn soon. If Evelyn ignored the fact that the Winter Soldier was currently in control, it was still Bucky's body. Of course her own would seek the same thrill, the same release she craved whenever her lover made her his. But she couldn't. She wouldn't.

Suddenly, the fierce movements slowed. The Soldier's shaft brushed her walls a few more times before slipping out of her. Evelyn opened her eyes, carefully glimpsing over her shoulder to see the Soldier still behind her. His hands were yet on her hips, and he made no intention of stepping away from her. She remained in place, afraid to move and unsure of what was happening.

"Что... Что-то не так?" she asked tentatively, avoiding any direct eye-contact.
(Is... Is something wrong?)

"У вас кровь," answered the Winter Soldier.
(You're bleeding.)

Evelyn hastily raised her medical gown to look for herself, but she didn't spot any red. Too late did she realize he hadn't meant between her legs. She stiffened when a titanium finger brushed at her lip to wipe the blood away. 

"Я причиняю тебе боль?"
(Am I hurting you?)

The genuine concern in the Soldier's voice prompted Evelyn to immediately reply, "Нет! Или... может быть, немного. Но я справлюсь."
(No! Or... maybe a little. But I can handle it.)

She hoped he wouldn't misinterpret the blush on her cheeks for anything other than their physical exertion. The last thing Evelyn wanted was for him to believe she could've actually been aroused.

"Вы не должны этого делать," the Soldier said with a sigh. "Мне очень жаль. Я знаю, что ты не выбирал этого."
(You shouldn't have to. I'm sorry. I know you didn't choose this.)

Their eyes finally met, and Evelyn felt a sudden inexplicable calm wash over her. His words and the sentiment behind them echoed in Bucky's voice. As if the Soldier and he were becoming one in mind and in body. Much to her surprise, the faintest sympathetic smile briefly lingered on his lips before he returned to his usual stoic expression. 

"Ты сказала ему, что не можешь забеременеть."
(You told him you can't get pregnant.)

Flustered by the change of topic, Evelyn stammered, "я... Нет, я не могу."
(I... No, I can't.)

"Зачем тогда это делать? Зачем рисковать всем этим, если у вас есть лишь малейший шанс спасти его?"
(Why do this then? Why risk it all if you only have the smallest chance of saving him?)

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