Michael could not believe he was where he was. Sitting in the back of an elegant and Uber expensive black luxury sedan that was loaded down with enough pizza treats it would look like Christmas to his family when they saw it. Mary especially loved pizza.
He also could not believe he was seated next to his new boss who was quietly tapping his fingers on the most complicated looking cell phone Michael had ever seen in his days. L.L. had explained that the phone came equipped with the very latest braille software which enabled him to text , Google, pretty much do anything he wished online." With earbuds I can even have it read to me ," he said as he put away the phone and turned his striking head towards Michael. " My friend created the software for me. He's a genius with anything technical. "
Michael knew L.L. couldn't see but it felt like the man was staring right into his soul. He wasn't completely certain if he liked that. He knew he was being nosy but he couldn't resist asking about his blindness.
" I've been blind all my life. Fifty years. The doctors didn't know why it happened because my twin brother Thomas isn't blind. Thomas is normal. "
Michael frowned. He didn't like the word normal. He knew there was really no such thing as normal. Everyone was different in their own way and there was nothing wrong with being different. Hell Michael had been left back in sixth grade. He couldn't get the hang of learning and his teachers acted like he was stupid. He liked to read and write though.
" You're normal. "
L.L. smiled and leaned closer to him. He smelled so good. Michael's heart started beating faster. Jesus. Did this man know how sexy he was ? Michael had never met a man like this before. And probably would never meet in the future.
" Do you mind? "
" Mind what ? "
" It's a bit forward. You can say no. I am dying to know what you look like. I. I. I wish to touch your face. It's how I see. If that makes sense. "
Michael whispered softly," Sure. Why not. "
As those long slim manicured hands rose to lightly , delicately , gently touch the face that Michael himself considered very ordinary Michael closed his eyes. L.L's hands felt so warm and loving as they tenderly traced his features from his freckled forehead to his broad nose to the lips he considered too plump. With each stroke his skin tingled with desire. Did he find Michael pleasing? Or did even a blind man see how ordinary and average he really was ?
" Oh dear. " L.L. paused moving at Michael's lips and Michael wanted to lick his fingers. Michael opened his eyes to find L.L. looking odd. " You are very beautiful. "
Michael found that hard to believe. Nobody had ever called him beautiful. Even his ex boyfriend Kevin had just called him cute. His Mama and Meemaw had drew the line at precious. He was not beautiful. That was L.L. himself.
" Not really, Mr. Handel. "
" Yes you are. You are extraordinary. And my name is L.L. Or Bossy Bastard. Not Mr. Handel. "
Then L.L. shocked the hell out of him by leaning closer and kissing him. Jesus, he thought as he reclosed his eyes and moved with the kiss. His eager tongue darted out to intertwine with the other man's. L.L. grew more insistent and forceful. Michael released a small moan as he wrapped his arms around the man.
What was happening?
He was kissing his boss.
And he never wanted it to stop.
Then the magical moment was shattered by the tapping at the tinted window that separated them from the driver. " We're here , Mr. Handel. "
They broke apart with Michael breathing heavy and L.L. looking confused.
" Ummm , I guess I better go in. See you tomorrow, Mr ...... L.L. "
L.L. pulled out his phone again. " Yes. See you tomorrow. Don't forget to eat dinner and rest. "
As he opened the door to leave with the pizza feast L.L. casually said," We shall eat lunch together tomorrow as well. It's undoubtedly the only way to ensure you won't go fainting all over my office again. My damsel. "
" Of course. You're the boss. And don't call me damsel. I'm not a damsel. "
" Whatever you say, damsel. Also if you do not feel well tomorrow do not hesitate to call in sick. "
His next words were to the driver as Michael stepped onto the cracked sidewalk before his two story blue and white house with the creaky fence and half dead grass. " Fred , do drop me by the Club. Since my afternoon is suddenly free I'm meeting Justice for an early dinner. "
As the car effortlessly drove off Michael's face turned stone hard..
Who the fuck was Justice? And why did he care ?

Eyes Of Love
RomanceAn original romantic suspense thriller serial set in D.C. and featuring an rich arrogant blind lawyer and his damsel in distress male secretary. New Chapters Dropped daily.