Covert Expedition - Chapter 43

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"I hail from Solaria, once a prosperous kingdom now reduced to ruins by the hand of the Renaissance," the man explained, his voice tinged with bitterness at the memory of his homeland's destruction.

Gargeal furrowed his brow in concern as he inspected the man's wounds. "Why would bandits target you with such brutality?" he inquired, his gaze focused intently on the injuries.

"Bandits, a pack of seven, ambushed me," the man recounted, a shiver of fear evident in his voice. "They cornered me, slashing at my arms and torso with a viciousness unmatched. By some stroke of luck, I managed to break free and flee."

Gargeal nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the details. "And the bandits? Are they still in pursuit?" he pressed, his tone firm with authority.

"They gave chase, but I managed to shake them off," the man replied, relief evident in his voice at his narrow escape.

"Remain calm. I'll attend to your wounds," Gargeal assured him, moving closer to examine the injuries more closely.

As Gargeal tended to his wounds, he inquired further, "What name do you go by?"

"My name? It's Haerak," the man responded, his eyes meeting Gargeal's as the latter inspected his arms.

"And where is your home?" Gargeal queried, seeking more information.

"I reside in Ember Wind village. I ventured here in search of resources, as our village faces scarcity due to its limited land," Haerak explained, his voice tinged with weariness from his journey.

Meet Haerak, a resident of Ember Wind village, a man of 32 years with deep black eyes and matching black hair. Standing tall at 6 feet and 1 inch, with a sturdy build weighing 88 kilograms.

 Standing tall at 6 feet and 1 inch, with a sturdy build weighing 88 kilograms

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Haerak's face

Without uttering a word, Gargeal carefully inspected the wounds, his expression unreadable as he assessed the extent of the injuries.

"Come with me," Gargeal instructed, his tone firm and commanding.

"Where are we going?" Haerak inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

"We're heading to our campsite, where my companions await," Gargeal replied, his voice steady and authoritative.

"Understood," Haerak replied promptly, his gaze fixed on Gargeal as they made their way towards the campsite. However, upon arrival, they discovered that Ruby'ck, Kazaks, and Andhur were nowhere to be found.

"Greetings, master," Qarek chimed in, welcoming Gargeal back to the camp.

"Master, is that the man who was crying out for help?" Leeani inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, indeed. We must attend to his wounds immediately. Begin by cleansing them with water, then apply honey or vinegar to prevent infection. Finally, bandage the wounds with a clean cloth. He has sustained multiple lacerations on his arms and torso. Let's act swiftly," Gargeal instructed urgently, his tone brooking no delay.

"Understood, master!" Leeani, Yzavynne, and Qarek swiftly sprang into action, gathering the necessary

Haerak settled onto the log positioned near the tents, observing the scene with keen interest. Meanwhile, Gargeal, his expression betraying a sense of urgency, addressed Jiighual and Nert.

"Can you two explain where Ruby'ck, Kazaks, and Andhur are?" he inquired, his tone tinged with concern.

"They went to the river where the Captain is. I think they're on their way back now," Nert responded, his voice calm but tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"They seemed anxious and decided not to wait for the Captain's return," Jiighual added, his brow furrowing with worry.

"They should be fine. After all, they're skilled warriors," Nert reassured, though a hint of doubt lingered in his tone.

"I just hope they return soon. We need everyone here," Jiighual chimed in, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of their missing comrades.

As their conversation unfolded, Nert's senses prickled with a sudden foreboding, alerting him to an approaching threat.

"Master, something's not right," Nert declared urgently, closing the distance to Gargeal with a concerned expression etched across his features.

Gargeal fixed his gaze on Nert, noting the worry etched into his features as he hastened towards him.

"I sense two figures drawing near," Nert continued, his tone laced with apprehension.

Gargeal nodded thoughtfully. "Jiighual, ready your pavise shield. Nert, ensure the villager is protected."

Meanwhile, Haerak remained rooted to his spot on the log, observing the trio's preparations for the imminent danger.

"Jiighual, let's move," Gargeal commanded.

"Understood, Master," Jiighual responded promptly.

The pair advanced towards the direction indicated by Nert, where the two mysterious figures were steadily closing in on them.

In a defensive stance, Nert addressed Haerak, his focus on the potential threat looming ahead.

"What's your name?" he queried, his posture poised for action.

"I'm Haerak, a villager from Ember Wind," Haerak responded calmly, his eyes scanning their surroundings.

"Nice to meet you, Haerak. Have you heard of a band called the Renaissance?" Nert inquired further.

Haerak nodded. "Yes, we're aware of their band's name, but we know little else about them."

"Do you recognize any of their members, or are their faces unknown to you and the other villagers?" Nert pressed.

Haerak shook his head. "None of us know their identities. They're merely a looming threat to our village."

As Nert processed this information, he realized Gargeal's intent in bringing Haerak to their village—a potential opportunity to enter Ember Wind village, given the villagers' lack of familiarity with the band's members.

"Ah, now it makes sense," Nert muttered to himself, his thoughts racing as he considered the strategic advantage Haerak's presence might offer.

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