Pilot - Easy Exit

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A quiet but persistent alarm woke Doll up as it chimed from her computer. It sat on the desk that replaced the bottom level of her bunk bed and was where she spend her time whenever she didn't want to disturb her mother.

So Doll quickly got up and climbed down the ladder of her bunk bed to turn off the alarm before it got any more annoying. Her black cat onezie making this endeavour slightly more difficult than it needed to be but the onesie was way to comfortable to not wear.

Once she had done that, using her controller since her keyboard and mouse were not plugged in at the moment. She could have a moment to collect herself, and to change out of her pajama's and into something more suitable for a deadly quest outside.

So she did just that, switching her outfit to a black singlet, some dark blue cargo pants and a pair of black fingerless gloves to hide her red hand lights. She also put on the red boots that she had taken off before she got into bed and placed her hardhat onto her mop of now messy waist length purple bangs.

All i got to do is sneak out past the WDF, find a power core and get back without dying. Should be... doable at most, she thought with a slight sense of unease as she changed. Doll had a bit of time to use but would rather not waste it, it was 1:55 AM now but time could slip through her grasp if she wasn't firmly counting every minute.

All that lit the room was the red LED's she had decorated it with and her own visor's light. Their was the option to flick the ceiling light switch but she worked well in the dim light and she wouldn't be staying long anyway since she had limited time before her mother woke up.

Doll now grabbed her white waist bag off of the desk along with her Pulse Crossbow, almost bumping her old electric guitar in the process before leaving the room quietly. The bag contained a few bolts for the crossbow and her phone and was the brightest thing she ever wore, it was also the only waist bag she had so it would have to do.

The rest of the house was dead silent, nothing moved. The house was almost silent actually, with every other room empty except for the lounge room. That which was decorated with a collection of thin carpets strewn across the floor and the large flat screen TV. The TV was playing that old screen saver with the neon city on it and Doll's mum Yeva was asleep on the couch, her signature camo decorated flask of water on the small table next to her as she snored softly.

Doll left her be, after all she couldn't risk this all on helping her mum when she was doing what she normally did, that being sleep. The red eyed drone resumed what she was doing and left the house, sparing one last look back at Yeva and another at the chained up door to Yeva's actual bedroom before she left.

She quickly crossed through the the colony's many steel hallways until she arrived at the WDF headquarters'. She needed a key card to open the four blast doors that blocked the way out so that's why she was heading there first.

The main thing that surprised Doll was the fact that the door had been left open, a sticky note on the side exclaiming in bright blue text.
"Leave Door open until Janitor Bot 2050 is finished, he should be done by midnight."

Evidently this Janitor bot 2050 had apparently ignored the note and left after he was done, leaving the door open and providing her an easier entry than what she had thought.

Doll slinked into the multi-roomed office, the empty metal halls lit by a few dim white lights on the ceiling and a few small office desks were scattered throughout the centre room. Next to the slide up metal door that provided access into the office was a coat hanger with a few coats on it, a black brimmed cap adorned the top of the coat hanger. It sat their and emanated an immense sense of pride. The other room doorways lead to a bathroom, useless for drones and a file's room which housed a wall full of filing cabinets.

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