Pilot - Snow And Metal

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The colony door slammed shut behind her with a quiet but forceful thump that shook the ground and shifted the snow around her boots, She was outside. Alone. Usually any other worker drone individual would be franticly knocking on the large metal bulwark behind them and hollering to be let back inside. This was not the case for Doll.

She needed a replacement power core for the weapon she had brought along with her and the only place she could find one was out here. Said weapon was the modified crossbow she held in her hands. The crossbow was made of a steel alloy and had a scope on the top of it as well which only half covered the barrel so that loading it was still doable. Unfortunately it was out of commission at the moment.

She had managed to make the Pulse Crossbow's power core explode during a school presentation and because of that she had snuck out here to get a new core for it. Although she still had the crossbows' standard fire with the bolts she had stored in her waist bag Doll was still rather defenceless. The ruined power core turning the weapon of mass destruction into a normal hunting crossbow and making it totally unremarkable as it was now.

The hardhat wearing worker drone now began to trudge her way through the streets and snow, making sure to keep an eye out for any sign of what she was looking for. Unfortunately there would be no helpfully abandoned power core lying inside the wreckage of the city, more unfortunately was the fact that she knew where the cores were most likely to be. The Corpse Spire, home of the murder drones who had hunted and killed her kind to the extent that they had made a spire out of their victims corpses.

The monolith of terror stood proudly at the centre of the city, a good few blocks away from where Doll currently was but was still entirely to close for her liking. It's many metal parts casting foul shadows across the city it stood over as the twin moons hung lazily in the sky above.

Eventually she had arrived, gazing into the apparently hollow insides of the metal behemoth with immense trepidation, oh how much Doll would rather not be here. Why had the WDF worker even let her outside in the first place, they should be smarter than that she thought to herself.

The inside of the spire was filled with wreckage of various old things from around the city, all of it laid carelessly in the snow. Ruined cars and body parts of long disassembled worker drones shored up the sides of what appeared to be a orbital drop pod. The drop pod sat patiently in the center of the spire, resting in an off kilter position as a single moonbeam laid its silvery finger upon it.

Doll began to sneak around the spire, scanning the place for her so desired power core and holding her Pulse Crossbow tightly. The murder drones would of already spotted and killed her if they were here so they must be out doing something, the lone worker drone thought as she began to quicken her pace.

There it was, the green cylinder was resting in a pile of snow with half of it covered. Doll went over and grabbed it out of the snow, leaning down as she did. This was her smartest move all day because she was now conveniently hidden behind a totaled Toyota. The russian worker drone quickly slotted the power core into its space on the bottom of the barrel of her Crossbow as she tried to stay quiet.

Doll was about to get back up when she heard a thump reverberate through the foul spires insides. The now scared drone stayed absolutely still behind the vehicle, spotting the cause of the noise in the reflection of one of the 3003 Toyota Corolla's mirrors.

Thier was a murder drone one the top of the drop pod, the nightmarish machine wearing a dark grey coat and holding up a severed worker drone head in its three spindly steel claws before crushing it and drinking the oil from it. The monster looked back up at the hole in the ceiling of the spire, evidently where it had dropped from and sat down crosslegged on the roof of the spire.

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