Pilot - The Murder Drones

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Doll sat in the snow, completely dumbfounded as she slowly comprehended what had just happened. The murder drone stood there with its head hanging low, the silver haired head it shouldn't even have considering that she had just vaporised it.

She got up, cautiously. Expecting the monster to reboot at any second and butcher her then and there, however it didn't. Well it did reboot, just it didn't decide to butcher her.

The murder drones yellow eyes looked around in confusion before settling on the worker drone in from of it.

"Umm hey, do you... know what just happened?" It asked her in an abashed sounding voice, it's clawed hand rubbing the back of its head.

Doll blinked at it a couple time as she was again dumbfounded by the strangeness of this murder drone.

"... What?" She asked as she stood upright, holding onto the Pulse Crossbow tightly with one hand. Doll was not the smallest Drone in the colony but she was still tiny compared the apparently passive murder machine that was a few feat away from her.

"Well, your new to our squad right? And I can't remember the past five minutes of my life so...?" The murder drone pointed on of its fingers at the hard hat wearing worker drone before continuing. He couldn't really tell what she was, his visuals only showing a black glitchy silhouette and a large yellow question mark over her but he put that aside.

"I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Serial Designation N. The third member of... pilot J's squad." N smiled warmly at her as he saluted, his hand up to his head and obscuring the damaged headband behind it. Something about the smile looked forced to Doll, was this all a ploy to make her trust him she mused?

Doll was about to say something back when the pain in her hand returned, the acid still slowly eating it's way through the metal and making an audible hissing noise as it did. She hissed through her teeth at this and dropped her crossbow on the snow as she clutched her wrist.

N saw this and sighed with barely hidden exasperation before telling Doll the very useful information of
"You know you can just pop your hand in your mouth, we have saliva that neutralises the acid.".

"... I think I... cut my tongue?" Doll responded, she didn't trust the idea of putting her melting hand into her mouth of all places and this murder drone would probably believe this excuse. Unfortunately the only place she was going to get some of their special saliva was his mouth, it would be very awkward to ask that. Awkward to the point that Doll had the stupid thought of just cutting the arm off instead of asking. N made the choice easy for her.

"... I... I could... Help. Maybe?" N sputtered out as he looked worriedly at the growing hole in his new squad mates hand.

So he did just that, both of them in the pod since Doll was curious of the inside and because of the shared thought that being seen in this extremely awkward position would be damaging to any reputation they had.

Doll slid her hand out of N's mouth after a minute, glad that it was no longer damaged at all but internally grimacing at the method of fixing it.

"Neat, I love doing new things... I guess." N said as the pair sat in the two chairs in the only room in the drop pod. One side of the pods inside being covered in a large undamaged screen display with a set of buttons under it while the other walls were mostly unadorned. Except for a set of stolen steel shelves, these had a collection of random junk on them.

Doll wipped the remaining saliva on her pants before asking
"Umm N... You said squad mates, doesn't squad mean four?".

"Yep, their are four of us. I can't wait to introduce you to all of them once they get back." N answered her question happily.

Murder Drones, Soft Reboot "Us Against The Whole World"Where stories live. Discover now