Bulma: so you don't know what kind of alien will be invading?

Whis: I'm afraid so Bulma

All of them were silent for a moment as they look at Izuku who has his head down as Bula,Pan Marron hugging him

Izuku: Do you know

Everyone turn to his attention making the 2 gods wonder what he is talking about

Izuku: Do you know who will be invading my world?

There was a long silence the only thing they hear the wind blowing

Beerus: No we don't

Izuku: I see

Beerus: But I can tell you 1 thing for sure the ones who will be invading your planet............... are weaker than you

Izuku: Wha-

Beerus: I think we have said enough now Izuku it is time we will give you 48 hours to pack your stuff you need also spend time with them now 

He said before he and Whis took off  making everyone feel depress taht Izuku would be leaving in 2 days

Izuku: I don't want to go 

Krillin: Then don't go!

Izuku: But I have to if Lord Beerus and Whis said is true that their will be invaders in my Earth then I won't let them take it or destroy it

Videl: But you cannot take them all on your own

Izuku: Videl-nee my world is full of people with powers I'm sure they can take care of themselves but even their is a slightly chance that they have someone more powerful than anyone within their comrades I won't just seat here an do nothing

Bulma: It is your decision sweetie

Chi-chi: Yeah we won't force you dear if you wish to go back its alright

Gohan: As much as I don't like it but we cannot force you to stay with us 

Bula: Nee-chan are you leaving

She said as Pan and Marron with her as tears started to come out making him kneel down at them and pick them up as the 3 hugged him tight

Izuku: I have to you 3 but I promise I will be back and who knows I might bring someone of your age to play with and when I return we will do anything you 3 want

The 3 girls wipe their tears from their eyes and look at him

Bula/Pan/Marron: Promise??

Izuku: Have I broken any of your promise

He said as he smiles at them as they know that when Izuku makes a promise he keeps his word as the 3 hugged him tight knowing they won't see him for long
2 days later

It is time for Izuku to return back to his world and these past 2 days they did everything they all wanted especially for his little sisters and they for the final day Goku and Vegeta decided to test Izuku's strength and power and with the result they were both satisfied and proud of him with Broly and his friends heard the news he was leaving they want to join him as Broly already considered Izuku as his brother but Whis explaines to them that they can't which made them sad and now with everyone in the back yard of Bulma's place everyone gave Izuku some gifts Bulma give him a a lot of capsule different kinds like a house, food, clothes etc. anything he needs chi-Chi gave her secret recipes of her cooking that everyone is wondering on how her food is delicious well it was her secret, Videl gave her a picture of all of them with Izuku in the center of it which made him smile as tears started to come out as all of them hugged him except for Vegeta and Piccolo they don't do hugs just then Whis  arrived and saying that it was time as he collect all of his staff and grabbed on to whis shoulder they all waved a thim goodbye as bright lights surrounds the 2 and the next thing they know they were gone

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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