Chapter 52 - Saving Evelyn

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HYDRA base, Siberia, September 10, 1946

Evelyn gaped at Zola, her eyes big and her jaw slack. She was at a loss for words. It couldn't be. Nikolai must've made a mistake. There was simply no way she... she was... 

"Переведите мисс Роджерс на нашу вторую базу под Ленинградом, куда мы отправили остальных до нее," ordered Zola. "По прибытии проведите полный медицинский осмотр. Убедитесь, что ей комфортно и о ней хорошо заботятся."
(Move Miss Rogers to our second base near Leningrad, where we sent the others before her. Run a full medical on arrival. Make certain she is comfortable and well taken care of.)

"Доктор, с вашего позволения," said Nikolai, "я бы тоже хотел пойти."
(Doctor, with your permission, I would like to go as well.)

Еще нет, Николай. Сначала ты нужен мне здесь, чтобы откалибровать Зимнего солдата. Команда в Ленинграде более чем способна справиться с мисс Роджерс на данный момент."
(Not yet, Nikolai. I need you here to recalibrate the Winter Soldier. The team in Leningrad is more than capable of handling Miss Rogers for the time being.)

Leningrad? If they were still in the area around Novosibirsk, Leningrad was over forty-five hours away, due northwest. How were they planning on moving her there?

"С уважением, мне будет легче, если я смогу следить за ней с самого начала. Мы не можем позволить себе потерять еще одну."
(Respectfully, I would feel better if I can monitor her from the very start. We cannot afford to lose another one.)

Zola hummed and nodded. "Oчень хорошо. Но завтра вы поедете на втором транспорте. Проверьте еще раз ее раны, закрепите ее, а затем присоединяйтесь ко мне в лаборатории. Нам нужно обсудить несколько вещей перед вашим отъездом."
(Very well then. But you'll go on a second transport tomorrow. Check her injuries again, secure her, and then join me in my lab. We'll need to go over a few things before your departure.)

Nikolai beckoned the soldiers holding Evelyn. They followed promptly, forcing her to fall in line. Each step sent a painful jolt through Evelyn's wounded leg. Neither the men manhandling her nor Nikolai paid any attention to her distress, though, and they continued at a quick pace.
When they arrived at the main elevator, they roughly placed Evelyn in a chair and went about their business. The soldiers arranged for transport as Nikolai kneeled in front of her. Her eyes flitted to the military men before she dared to lean in to talk to him. 

"Nik, what did you do?" she asked. 

He didn't reply and snagged her wrist to him. Evelyn hissed at his crude handling. At any other time, she would've snapped or even smacked him for treating her so coarsely. Right now, she couldn't care less how he treated her, if only he'd talk to her. 

"Nik, please say something," she urged him. "I know you did something to those results. My scars, the injury I sustained during the war, I lied about it. I can't get pregnant. Please, just tell—ah!"

Evelyn yelped when the back of Nikolai's hand struck her cheek. He grabbed her violently by her hair, almost driving her hairpin into her scalp, and pulled her close. A darkness crossed his expression, one Evelyn had never seen in him before, and his crystalline gaze, usually so calm and kind, was burning with murderous intent. 

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