Chapter 3: Resistance untill death

Start from the beginning

A quizzical arch of his brow betrayed his incredulity. Had he not just dismissed jisoo's offer of assistance? Yet here stood another, insisting upon his acquiescence.

"I have no need for your services. Depart from my presence," Jeonghan declared, his tone resolute, only to find the maids resolute in their defiance, unyielding in their commitment to their duty.

An impasse ensued, broken only by the imposing figure of Seungcheol, who emerged from the shadows like a colossus, his gaze ablaze with righteous indignation as he confronted Jeonghan.

"You will not address my subjects with such insolence," Seungcheol's voice, a thunderous decree, echoed through the chamber as he exerted his authority, pushing Jeonghan back into the sanctum.

With a stern command, Seungcheol compelled compliance, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Jeonghan, brooking no further dissent.

Reluctantly, Jeonghan acquiesced, though not without a lingering defiance that simmered beneath the surface. As the maids endeavored to assist him, he rebuffed their efforts, his pride wounded yet unbowed.

"This is but the opening gambit, Seungcheol. Prepare yourself, for the tide shall turn," Jeonghan's words, tinged with a steely resolve, hung heavy in the air, a harbinger of the clash to come.

With a resigned air, Jeonghan followed the maid's lead, his gaze narrowed with suspicion as he traversed the opulent corridors towards the grand bath within Seungcheol's chamber. Meanwhile, Seungcheol's gaze lingered upon him, a predatory gleam flickering in his eyes, a silent vow of conquest echoing in his mind.

"Until the day you kneel before me, my delicate flower," Seungcheol murmured, a sly smile playing upon his lips as Jeonghan vanished behind the veil of scarlet curtains, ensconced in secrecy and anticipation.

In the resplendent bath chamber, Jeonghan observed with silent appreciation as the maids orchestrated a symphony of luxury, their movements as graceful as courtly dancers. The scent of Midnight Orchid permeated the air, its exotic fragrance mingling with the warm steam rising from the bath, creating an atmosphere of unparalleled indulgence.

As the maids meticulously prepared the bath, Jeonghan's gaze lingered on the tray of oils and flowers, their vibrant hues a stark contrast against the pristine white of the chamber. With practiced precision, they poured the fragrant oils into the warm water, mixing them with gentle care until the room was suffused with their intoxicating aroma.

The maids moved with effortless elegance, lighting scented candles that cast a soft glow upon the surroundings, their flickering flames illuminating the chamber in a warm embrace. Outside, the moon danced in the sky, casting its silvery light through the grand windows as the maids drew the curtains closed, cocooning the room in a veil of privacy and tranquility.

Though initially hesitant, Jeonghan finally relented to the allure of the bath, his princely demeanor softened by the promise of relaxation and rejuvenation. With a nod of gratitude to the departing maids, he shed his jewels and finery, allowing the layers of silk to cascade to the ground until he stood clad only in a single cloth, a symbol of his dignity and grace.

Stepping into the warm waters, Jeonghan felt the cares of the day begin to melt away, replaced by a profound sense of serenity. With each gentle stroke, he cleansed himself of the dirt and weariness that clung to him, reveling in the luxurious embrace of the bath.

As the night wore on, Jeonghan lingered in the water, savoring every moment of his royal indulgence. With each passing minute, he felt himself renewed, his spirit lifted by the soothing embrace of the bath. And as the moon continued its celestial dance overhead, Jeonghan emerged from the waters, a vision of royal grace and tranquility.

Jeonghan grasped his garments, poised to attire himself, when his gaze alighted upon another ensemble, a resplendent red layered hanbok, placed nearby. Though tempted, he opted for his own navy blue attire. Yet, as he endeavored to don it, the noxious odor of his perspiration assailed him; cleanliness being his unyielding pursuit. A sigh escaped his lips as he discarded his clothes and reached for the crimson attire.

Emerging from the bathing chamber, a scarlet cloth in hand to dab his locks dry, his stride faltered upon sighting Seungcheol seated upon the divan, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Jeonghan's entrance.

"Has he lingered here throughout?" Jeonghan mused, clenching his fist, before tossing the red fabric onto the bed and advancing towards the grand mirror to tend to his hair.

"Do you not possess the basic decorum to vacate the chamber when another indulges in its sanctity?" Jeonghan queried Seungcheol, who merely chuckled, rising from his seat to approach Jeonghan.

"Red befits you far more than navy," Seungcheol remarked, dismissing Jeonghan's inquiry, further irking him as he swatted away Seungcheol's stray locks that threatened to graze his own.

"I've implored you to maintain your distance," Jeonghan declared, taking a step back. "And your clandestine presence while I bathe is a base tactic."

"But my rose," Seungcheol countered with a smile, "every sovereign retains the right to linger in proximity when their beloved, or indeed, their spouse, indulges in the sanctity of a bath. What if peril were to befall you?"

"Peril of all ilk pales in comparison to you, and I am not your consort," Jeonghan retorted, his gaze piercing as it met Seungcheol's.

"It amuses me to witness your resistance," Seungcheol remarked, closing the distance and clasping Jeonghan's hand, drawing him closer until their chests brushed. Jeonghan struggled against the hold, attempting to wrest free.

"The temptation to claim you is fervent, yet I shall bide my time. For with patience, the sweetness of victory shall only intensify," Seungcheol whispered against Jeonghan's lips, relinquishing his grasp and departing the chamber, leaving Jeonghan to ponder his words amidst the lingering echoes of desire.



If Rh Jeonghan was full of pet names, Seungcheol seems to have replaced him with his own royal ones 😭😂

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If Rh Jeonghan was full of pet names, Seungcheol seems to have replaced him with his own royal ones 😭😂

Anyways, what do you think of Seungcheol and Jeonghan untill now.

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