The Snake and the Fish

Start from the beginning

Well... It was still pretty vague, from what David had heard. The last time they had fought, Elisa had come away declaring that it would never happen again before spitting the contents of her stomach onto the ground. The members of Ellipse Squadron hadn't looked very concerned as she glared at them, and no one had ever been able to find out exactly how their encounter had unfolded. Only the members of Sigma Squadron were capable of defeating her on equal terms, without using their powers of course. More than powerful, it was resistant and resilient and seemed indestructible.

She was a very beautiful woman, with strength visible in each of her features. Her body was sculpted by the repeated exercise she did. We could read in her a burning determination, capable of consuming everything, of pushing the limits of her body, to become the most powerful fighter in existence. She was a being that pain had forged, in sweat and tears, she had emerged. It was made for war, battle, and combat. Made to always emerge victorious.

She had black, wavy hair, smooth and shiny, tied in a ponytail so as not to hinder her movements. His eyes were almond-shaped, with thick eyelashes, and coffee-colored pupils. She was beautiful, with a warlike beauty, distant and unattainable, a beauty that had never been able to take care of itself, faced with the unpredictable elements of the constant hunting of curses. Firm and determined features, on which one could read an astonishing ardor. Coppery, sun-tanned skin that looked like that of a bronze statue.

David found her impressive, she who had managed to make her way among the squadrons, who with the strength of her fists had built such an extraordinary reputation. He had never really had a teacher, except perhaps his second mother, who had used the only teaching method she knew with him: making him practice to death. He didn't count his grandfather among the lot, the latter had only brought him pain. Everything he knew how to do, he owed a lot to chance and the force of circumstances but above all to his family and to that Frozen-head idiot who had never stopped pestering him to be serious about his training.

This woman was someone real and powerful. David respected her. He would have liked to be able to fight against her with all his power but unfortunately, he was very weak. When he compared himself with his previous level, he found himself hopelessly weak. The others would have laughed even more, these little imbeciles.

When everyone had finished their warm-up, they gathered in the center of the arena, with the desire, for some, to go to the end of the island and throw themselves into the void to avoid this repetitive suffering... Sissi had already placed the different weapons available to the students there, a sign that today's exercise was surely going to be duels.

"Alright, we'll start with hand-to-hand combat first, and then we'll move on to weapon training. I want you to use each weapon, not leave one or two aside because you don't like them. You also have no right to injure or kill your opponent, is that understood?"

As she said this, she gave Liam and Aiko a steady look. She was speaking from experience. A disappointed murmur also passed through the group of brigades, heartbroken at the idea of ​​not being able to unleash themselves. Fortunately, the authority and proven severity of the young woman managed to dissuade certain teenagers in need of thrills from disobeying her directives and skewering each other.

David started by fighting against Liam who had insisted on being with him, once again this desire to impress him. Each time this happened, David felt the weight of his lies weigh down on his shoulders. He didn't deserve Liam's blissful admiration.

David stretched again before starting. His body was able to remember the movements he wanted to make, and he had gotten used to them, but he still lacked the efficiency compared to before. He was much less strong and faster. What bothered him the most was his lack of flexibility. Before, he could do all the acrobatic tricks he wanted, he could even dislocate his joints as much as he wanted and slightly move some of his organs in his body. There was a time when his whole family agreed that he must have been sharing his blood with earthworms since he had the habit of wriggling in all directions or climbing up or down the ceiling. Now he was quite incapable of it. Frustration. It was the only word that remained on his lips, in his mind, written in his perpetual failures to match his former abilities.

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