Start from the beginning

"I can't do it!" He sobbed. She felt tears well up in her eyes but she pushed them away, not wanting to make this any harder for Preston. 

"What happened? Talk to me." Indie said. She sat next to him and let him calm himself down for a second before continuing. 

"She started talking to me and I couldn't even handle it." Preston whimpered. 

"Who? Kyliegh or the counselor?" Indie asked. 

"Kyliegh." Preston sniffled. She grabbed his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. 

"Its okay, baby. Maybe its too soon. Do you wanna try again?" Indigo asked gently. He shook his head quickly. 

"No, I can't go back in there." He protested. She nodded. 

"Okay, we'll go home. Maybe you can try again before the baby is born." Indie gave him a sweet smile. 

"I'm sorry." He cried. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Relax, Pres. Lets go home, love." She said. She stood up and offered him a hand. She helped pull him up and she wiped the tears from his face. They removed themselves from the bathroom together. 

"You coming back, Preston?" Ashley asked gently. 

"I don't think he's ready yet. Can we schedule something for next week?" Indigo asked with a sad smile. Ashley nodded. 

"Of course, its okay." She assured. "I'll text his mom." 


They made it home and Preston and Indie were snuggled up watching a movie. Preston had been a nervous wreck all day and he was still shaking lightly while Indie rested her hand on his thigh, rubbing calming circles. Preston's arm was wrapped around the girl, and her head rested on his shoulder. 

"Hey, kiddo, how was counseling today?" Eliza asked as her and Mrs. Downey entered the house after their girls day. Preston sighed and Indigo kissed his cheek and reassured him. 

"It didn't really happen...." Preston muttered. Eliza looked at Indie confused. 

"Preston took it a little rough. I don't think he was quite ready for that big a step yet. The woman said she'd get in touch with you to schedule something for next week hopefully. Maybe it'll give Pres a little extra time to mentally prepare himself." Indie explained. Eliza nodded and approached the couch. 

She sat on the other side of her son as he sadly stared at the ground. She kissed the top of his head and ruffled his blonde waves. 

"Its okay, Preston. I know you weren't ready today, but I know that you are capable of getting through this. You're so strong, Pres, and I love you so much. Do you wanna tell me what happened?" Eliza asked gently. Preston slowly raised his head to meet her eyes. 

"Kyliegh started trying to talk to me and she sounded so fake and I couldn't take it." Preston admitted shamefully. Eliza rubbed his shoulder. 

"Its okay, sweetie. I understand. I'm here. You still seem stressed?" She wondered aloud. 

"It was just a rough day." Preston sighed. Indigo shifted closer to the boy, snuggling into his side. He relaxed at her delicate touch. 

"You just relax, try and unwind, and we'll talk scheduling tomorrow." Eliza explained. Preston nodded lightly. 

Eliza and Mrs. Downey walked into the kitchen to talk to Robert and Preston and Indigo continued to watch their movie. 

"I'm sorry, Inds." Preston murmured. 

"For what?" She asked, looking into his greenish brown eyes with her own brown ones. 

"Dragging you into all this. I know its probably hard for you to have a broken boyfriend." Preston lamented. 

"Pres, you didn't drag me into anything. I stayed because I truly care about you, and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side. And you, are not broken. You may FEEL broken, but everything is going to be okay. You are perfect, Preston, and I wouldn't change anything about you for the world, UNLESS, it was to change your life so you didn't have to go through that. But who knows, maybe this will have something good come out of it. Besides, God has a plan. He always does. He knows why he put that in your life. You'll be alright, Pres. I love you, so, so much." Indie comforted. 

Preston smiled warmly. 

"I love you too. Indigo, I'll always love you." Preston confessed. Indie smiled. 

"Good. I wouldn't want it any other way." She chuckled. They shared a light laugh before dozing off together, snuggled up in each others arms, while continuing to watch the movie. 


sorry its been a while since I updated! hope you guys enjoyed!! hopefully a new chapter coming soon, and a new oneshot will be released on my other book as well soon!! <3 

love you all, stay golden! 


The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now