Covert Expedition - Chapter 68

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Thorne repeatedly slammed the hilt of his broadsword into the ground, each strike sending shockwaves of dirt and debris cascading through the battlefield like a storm.

The earth trembled beneath the force of Thorne's blows, and the air filled with swirling clouds of dust and ash, obscuring visibility and choking the lungs of all who dared to stand against him. With each impact, the ground quaked beneath Kazaks and Yzavynne's feet, threatening to throw them off balance and leave them vulnerable to Thorne's next attack.

Yet, through the haze of dust and ash, Kazaks and Yzavynne remained resolute, their determination unyielding as they braced themselves against the onslaught. With gritted teeth and steely determination, they stood their ground, refusing to be cowed by Thorne's overwhelming power.

"We can't let him keep this up," Kazaks grunted through clenched teeth, his voice barely audible above the din of battle. "We need to find a way to break through his defenses and turn the tide in our favor."

Yzavynne nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowed in fierce determination as she scanned the battlefield for any sign of weakness in their opponent's relentless assault. "Agreed. We need to find an opening and strike back with everything we have," she replied, her voice firm and unwavering despite the chaos that surrounded them.

"Yzavynne, position yourself on the head of my war hammer," Kazaks commanded, his voice resolute as he outlined his plan. "I'll launch you high into the air, giving you a vantage point to locate Thorne from above. Once you've found him, land on his back and incapacitate him. While you distract him, I'll wait for the opportune moment to strike."

"Understood," Yzavynne affirmed, her gaze steady as she positioned herself atop Kazaks' war hammer, preparing for the launch.

With a deep breath, Kazaks summoned his strength and propelled Yzavynne skyward with a mighty swing of his war hammer. As she soared through the air, Yzavynne caught sight of Thorne below, relentlessly pounding the ground with his broadsword, enveloping the battlefield in a cloud of dust and debris.

"Found you!" Yzavynne exclaimed triumphantly, her determination unwavering as she adjusted her trajectory to land directly behind Thorne.

With a swift and precise landing, Yzavynne closed in on Thorne's back, her fingers poised to deliver a disabling chokehold. But before she could make contact, Thorne reacted with lightning speed, seizing her around the waist and hurling her forcefully to the ground below.

Gasping for breath as pain radiated through her body, Yzavynne struggled to regain her footing, her senses reeling from the impact. Before she could recover, Thorne loomed over her, his fists descending in a relentless barrage of blows that rained down upon her defenseless form.

"Bastard!" Thorne spat, his voice laced with contempt as he unleashed a flurry of punishing strikes, each blow driving Yzavynne further into the ground and leaving her unable to mount a defense against his relentless assault.

As Thorne prepared for his final strike, he took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of strength left in him for the decisive blow. With a primal scream, he unleashed a devastating punch aimed directly at Yzavynne, the force behind it enough to end her life in an instant.

"AHH!" Thorne's cry echoed through the air as his fist connected with Yzavynne's face, delivering a fatal blow that signaled the end of her struggle.

In a desperate bid to save his friend, Kazaks hurled his war hammer towards Thorne with all his might, the weapon hurtling through the air with deadly accuracy. The war hammer then strikes Thorne squarely in the liver, the force of the impact sent him tumbling backward, his grip on consciousness slipping away as he was overcome by the agony of his wounds.

"Yza... Yzavynne... Are you okay?" Kazaks called out, his voice tinged with worry as he rushed to her side, his heart pounding with fear and concern.

As Kazaks knelt beside her, his eyes widened in horror at the sight before him. Yzavynne lay motionless, her body covered in blood and bruises, her eyes open but unseeing. In that moment, a wave of anger and sorrow crashed over Kazaks, filling him with a deep, overwhelming sadness at the sight of his injured comrade.

"Yzavynne... Hey, can you hear me? Yzavynne... Please, wake up!" Kazaks pleaded, his voice trembling with disbelief as he gently shook her body, desperately hoping for any sign of response.

"Yzavynne, please, don't leave us. You can't die, not like this," Kazaks begged, his words choked with emotion as tears welled up in his eyes. "We were supposed to live, to have a future together. Remember what Captain Zach said? We were going to make it out of here, together. Please, don't leave us... don't leave me..."

As Kazaks spoke, memories of happier times flooded his mind, moments of laughter and camaraderie shared between him and Yzavynne during their days in the hideout. The weight of those memories, now tainted by the reality of the present, only served to deepen Kazaks' anguish and despair.

"Don't leave me, Yzavynne," Kazaks implored, his voice quivering with emotion, tears tracing a path down his cheeks as he gazed upon her motionless form. "There's so much we haven't said, so much we haven't done together."

His heart felt as if it were being torn apart, each beat a painful reminder of the bond they shared and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Gently, Kazaks reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from Yzavynne's face with trembling fingers. "I can't bear the thought of facing this world without you by my side," he confessed, his voice raw with anguish.

Kneeling beside Yzavynne, Kazaks reached out, gently cupping her cold hand in his own, willing her to wake from the depths of unconsciousness. "You mean everything to me," he whispered, his words a fervent plea. "I love you, Yzavynne. Please, don't leave me now."

But as the silence stretched on, broken only by the sound of Kazaks' sobs, the crushing weight of despair settled upon him like a heavy shroud. With a heavy heart, he bowed his head, his spirit shattered by the loss of his beloved friend and companion.

Thorne, still reeling from the impact of the war hammer that had struck his liver, felt a surge of panic coursing through him as he struggled to regain his footing. "Damn it, I need to get out of here. Now," he muttered under his breath, his mind racing with fear and desperation despite the weakness gnawing at his body.

Suddenly, a deafening roar shattered the air, echoing with raw fury and unleashed rage. It was Kazaks, his voice reverberating with an intensity that sent chills down Thorne's spine.

Kazaks's roar pierced the chaos of battle, a primal cry fueled by a burning desire for vengeance.


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