Pilot - An Uneventful Morning After The Main Event

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As the colony slowly returned to its normal state and the crowd that fed itself through the warehouse finally trickled to a halt. Yeva merely stood exactly where Doll had left her, mulling over what her child had said as she floated in and out of a state of disassociation.

A few minutes pass like this. The warehouse feeling emptier every second as the onesie wearing drone wearily ordered her thoughts. Taking a sip of what was in her flask and letting the cold oil within it enter her systems, it tasted sweet and warm despite its age of at least a week old.

Once that was done she closed the flask and took a few steps towards the entrance, intending on finding someone and following through on a promise she had made long ago.

However, something else would catch her eye. A body laid flat on the concrete floor, surrounded by scorch marks and missing it's chest.

The burnt and blackened head making a barely audible and quite unnerving buzzing noise as the visor flashed an extremely dull blue. Was it, still alive?

With hesitant steps Yeva walked over to the corpse, freezing a few feet away from it as she realized who it was and her eyes went wide.

It was V.

Yeva stared at it, a sudden surge of crippling emotions forcing her to a kneeling position in front of the killer's blackened and broken corpse. The girl began to cry now, soft whimpers trailing from her as cherished memories resurfaced from there locked away memory banks. No one heard her, not Sarah, not Doll or anyone else.

As this goes on the head buzzes loudly as its visor blanks, a few seconds pass before colour returns to the screen. Small yellow text reluctantly showing itself in the middle of the visor and alerting Yeva of its presence.


The head began to make a whirring sound as circuits restored power to themselves, Yeva watching on in startled confusion. The drone shuffles a little closer, making sure to not go close enough that she ends up getting soot on herself as she tried to read what it now displayed on the visor.



Yeva remembered the word as she whispered it, all the unfathomable power that came with it imprinted in her very core for the rest of whatever life she had left. It was vile and cruel, and she hated herself for letting it for having her. Oh so very much.

The screen greys out for a second, then resumes its usual black colour as it displays some more text. Yeva taken aback as the machine addressed her, its mouth not moving but still trying to communicate none the less.

[--I... Know you.--]
[--I Hurt you.--]

Was the head talking to her or was this just some last spasms of its circuitry, Yeva thought as she crawled over and picked the head up. Her onesie staining with soot and the oil that dripped slowly out of the metal limbs around her.

[--Do you... Remember me?--]

"...Ты? Ты... убил их обоих. Как я мог забыть.".
("...You? You... killed them, both of them. How could i forget.")
Yeva's visor began to display red tears, her grip tightening on the severed head as she remembered that night. She didn't want to remember it, how many drones had lost their lives all because she was to afraid to stop them herself.

Murder Drones, Soft Reboot "Us Against The Whole World"Where stories live. Discover now