Covert Expedition - Chapter 75

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As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting hues of orange and gold across the sky, the eighteen warriors aboard the ship sprang into action. They secured the masts, tightening the ropes with precision to anchor the vessel firmly in place against the pull of the tide. With practiced movements, they disembarked onto the sandy shore, their footsteps marking the beginning of an unknown encounter with the inhabitants of the land.

"Ah, my head feels like it's been through a battle after all that time on the ship," Sanaage groaned, letting out a loud yawn.

"Ships making you queasy, Sanaage? You're supposed to be the tough one here!" Xertu teased, chuckling at his friend's discomfort.

"Hey, big bro, if you're the master of combat, shouldn't you be able to handle a little sea breeze?" Elara chimed in, her laughter joining Xertu's.

Xertu burst into laughter, his booming voice echoing through the air. "Ha ha ha! Got you there, Sanaage!"

Sanaage rolled his eyes, shooting a playful glare at his sister. "Oh, hush it, Elara."

Meet Elara, Sanaage's spirited younger sister, a skilled warrior hailing from Aetheria. While she boasts above-average combat skills, her true strength lies in her unwavering determination. Armed with a trusty machete, she stands at a height of 5'3" and carries herself with a weight of 44kg.

 Armed with a trusty machete, she stands at a height of 5'3" and carries herself with a weight of 44kg

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Elara's face

The villagers stood in awe as they gazed upon the towering figure of Xertu, his imposing stature leaving them feeling intimidated.

"Everyone, calm down! We're warriors from Aetheria," Sanaage bellowed, his voice booming and cutting through the murmurs of the crowd. "I'm Sanaage. Who's in charge here? Where's your Chief? Or is it a Chiefess? I'm not sure," he continued, his words laced with urgency and authority.

From amidst the villagers, Haerak emerged, his presence commanding attention. "I am Haerak, the Chief of this village," he declared, stepping forward to address the visitors from Aetheria.

"Have you or your villagers encountered the Renaissance?" Sanaage inquired, his tone sharp and demanding.

"The Renaissance? No," Haerak replied, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

"And do you know anything about them?!" Sanaage's voice rose, causing unease among the villagers gathered before him.

"We've heard of their band name from traders and visitors, but we don't know their faces or names," Haerak explained calmly, meeting Sanaage's intense gaze without flinching.

"Ah, excellent timing! Take a look at this!" Sanaage exclaimed, producing a wanted poster from his pocket and thrusting it toward Haerak. "See for yourself what they look like!"

Haerak accepted the poster, studying the faces depicted upon it with a careful eye, though his expression remained inscrutable.

"Well? Have they passed through here? Have you seen them?" Sanaage pressed, his impatience palpable.

"Easy there, big brother. Let the Chief gather his thoughts. We needn't rush," Elara interjected, her hand resting reassuringly on Sanaage's shoulder.

As tension hung thick in the air, all eyes turned to Haerak, awaiting his response with bated breath.

"Hey! Are you saying you froze up just now?" Sanaage interjected, his tone incredulous, but he was swiftly cut off.

"No, their presence is entirely unknown to us. We have neither encountered them nor laid eyes on their faces," Haerak replied evenly, returning the wanted poster to Sanaage.

Sanaage snatched the poster back, his frustration evident after days of sailing and fruitless searching.

"Ugh!" he grunted in disappointment, tucking the poster back into his pocket.

"Chief, if you'd be willing, could you allow us to explore your village? We may be of assistance. They could be hiding here, clever and elusive. It's for the safety of your people, so rest assured," Xertu requested, his voice earnest as he addressed Haerak.

Haerak paused for a moment, considering, before responding, "Certainly, but please refrain from entering any of the houses."

"Got it, Chief!" Xertu exclaimed eagerly, his excitement palpable.

Turning to Sanaage and Elara, he added, "Let's explore the village. They might be hiding here somewhere."

"Great idea, big bro!" Elara chimed in enthusiastically.

"Alright, team, let's move out!" Sanaage called to the other fifteen warriors behind him.

"Clear the way!" Haerak announced to the villagers as the warriors advanced, their imposing presence causing a stir among the crowd.

"Haerak, what's going on?!" Seraphina asked anxiously, her voice barely above a whisper, still shaken from the warriors' intimidating arrival.

"Nert," Haerak's voice cut through the murmurs of the villagers, drawing Seraphina's attention.

"Huh?" Seraphina turned to face him, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Where is Nert? Weren't you with him just a moment ago?" Haerak's tone was soft, intended only for Seraphina's ears.

"Yes, he was with me, but he suddenly developed a stomachache and hurried back to their house," Seraphina explained in hushed tones.

"Good. Keep him out of sight," Haerak instructed, his expression serious.

"Why? What's going on?" Seraphina's voice betrayed her growing apprehension.

"Because they're hunting him. If they find him here, it's not just him they'll come for," Haerak's words were grave, sending a shiver down Seraphina's spine.

"What?!" Seraphina's disbelief was evident in her expression.

"I'll explain later. Right now, your mission is to ensure Nert stays indoors. Keep them away from the Shadowed Symphony's house at all costs," Haerak's directive was clear and urgent.

Seraphina hesitated briefly before nodding in agreement. "Got it."

With determination, Seraphina maneuvered through the villagers, her gaze fixed on the house where Nert was hiding.

"Everyone, return to your homes. They're only searching for the Renaissance band. There's no cause for alarm. They'll be finished before midnight," Haerak's authoritative voice resonated through the crowd, reassuring them and prompting them to disperse without question, their trust in their chief unwavering.

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