Covert Expedition - Chapter 79

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Sanaage slowly rises to his feet, his muscles tensed as he retrieves his machete from Haerak's outstretched hand.

"Finish him," Haerak's voice was firm, devoid of emotion as he urged Sanaage to take action.

"As you wish," Sanaage's voice was barely a whisper, heavy with the weight of his emotions and the gravity of the moment.

Haerak's gaze remained fixed on Sanaage, a tumult of emotions swirling in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding and acceptance evident in his expression.

"Vengeance is a heavy burden," Haerak's voice carried a weight of sorrow and resolve, each word spoken with measured intensity. "But in times of war, it becomes our only relief, our only hope for fairness. We fight not just for ourselves, but for those we've lost, for the injustices that have scarred us."

Sanaage's gaze softened as he peered down at Nert, his heart heavy with sorrow as he observed the young man's wounded form, blood staining his lips and chest.

"Nert... That's your name, isn't it?" Sanaage spoke softly, his voice carrying a weight of compassion as he addressed the injured rebel lying before him.

Nert lays there, his mind drifted back to the days of the Renaissance, memories flooding his consciousness like a relentless tide. His breaths coming in shallow gasps, he reached out a trembling hand towards Sanaage, his eyes pleading for understanding. Memories flooded his mind, but his lips were unable to form the words to express them.

In his last moments, Nert found himself reminiscing about the beauty of nature, a gentle smile gracing his lips. With a hand trembling with emotion, he silently bid farewell to the world he was about to depart from. And now, as he lay on the cold ground

"I... I never got the chance to finish it," Sanaage whispered, his words laden with sorrow and remorse as he observed Nert's fading breaths.

Gently, Sanaage knelt beside Nert, his fingers searching for a pulse that he knew wouldn't be there, confirming the inevitable truth.

"This is vengeance," Sanaage reflected somberly, his gaze fixed on Nert's lifeless form. "The weight has lifted, but it's left me hollow inside."

As Sanaage lingered beside Nert's still body, his mind churned with the weight of vengeance, a burden heavy enough to crush even the strongest of souls.

"Vengeance," he whispered, his voice raw with emotion, "it consumes us, devours us from within, until all that's left is emptiness."

He paused, his gaze drifting to the horizon as if searching for peace in the distant unknown.

"But in the end," Sanaage continued, his tone filled with quiet resignation, "it's a lonely path, paved with regret and sorrow. For what is vengeance if not the reflection of our own suffering?"

With a heavy heart, Sanaage tenderly closed Nert's eyes, a final gesture of respect for a fallen adversary. Sanaage rose to his feet, the weight of his words hanging in the air like a lament for lost innocence.

"Is he gone?" Haerak inquired, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and relief.

Sanaage nodded somberly, his gaze fixed on the ground, brows furrowed in solemn contemplation. "Yes, he's gone," he affirmed softly.

"Good," Haerak murmured, his eyes briefly flickering to Nert's motionless form, a hint of satisfaction in his expression.

As Xertu and Elara stirred awake, their eyes widening in surprise at the scene before them. They found Sanaage standing tall beside Nert's still figure.

"Wow! Did you do it, Chief?" Elara exclaimed, her voice tinged with admiration and awe.

"Bravo, Sanaage!" Xertu chimed in, his excitement palpable as he praised their leader's action

"That stinky rebel will fetch us couple of gold bars from Ybael if we bring his body to him!" Elara exclaimed, her voice brimming with hope and longing for a brighter tomorrow.

"YES! Gold! I can't wait to make my dream come true. The dream of finally be able to resign as a warrior and live happily after I find my true love," Xertu chimed in, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he envisioned a future free from the burdens of war and hardship

"Think about it, Xertu! With that gold, we could buy a whole fleet of ships and sail the seven seas together," Elara chimed in with excitement, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Xertu laughed heartily at the thought, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes. "And we'll name our flagship 'The Golden Dream' in honor of our newfound fortune," he joked, his voice filled with playful enthusiasm.

"Ah, imagine the adventures we'll have and the treasures we'll uncover," Elara added, her imagination running wild with the possibilities.

Xertu nodded in agreement, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Indeed! But first, let's haul this rebel's body and claim our reward. Our dreams await!" he exclaimed, his tone filled with eager anticipation.

Sanaage's gaze lingered on Nert's motionless form, his expression a mix of sorrow and reflection as he whispered to himself, "Is this really the end for you, Nert?"

He then took a deep breath, his voice heavy with emotion as he continued, "You were once our enemy, but now... Now, you're just a fallen soul caught in the crossfire of this endless conflict. Rest easy now. Find peace in your rest. May your passage to the next life be one of peace, for you departed as a warrior."

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