You giggled softly, pushing lightly against Mikey's chest until he released you. "Mikey, please, we need to go eat breakfast." Your voice was gentle but firm, making both Darken and Takemichi blush at how cute you sounded.

Mikey reluctantly let go of you, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Aww, fine, fine." You leave the room and head towards Pe-yan and Pah-chin's room. You notice the door to be shut, so you knock and wait for them to open.

After a few seconds, Pah-chin answers the door and gives you a bright smile. "Good morning, Y/n-chan. Is it already time for breakfast?" As he glances beyond you towards the window, you could see the sun was already high in the sky. He looked quite refreshed, with little bags under his eyes, unlike Takemichi.

"Seems like we're already late," Pe-yan remarked, as he joins you and Pah-chin. He also looks quite fresh, with a bright smile on his face. His eyes sparkle in the sunlight as he looks at you.

"Yeah, let's head downstairs for breakfast," Pah-chin says, taking your hand and leading you away from the rooms, your cheeks a bit pink. Pe-yan follows closely behind with the others as well. Takemichi, Darken and Mikey looking at Pah-chin in jealousy. 'I wanna hold her hand too..' They all thought jealously.

As you all made your way downstairs, you couldn't help but notice the awkward silence that fell over the group. It was evident that something had happened last night, but you chose to ignore it for now, focusing on enjoying breakfast together.

The breakfast table was spread with all kinds of delicious looking foods. There were eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausages, fruits, juices, coffee and tea. The food smelled so delicious that it made your mouth water.

"Good Morning," came the warm voice of Isabella, the maid-like, mother figure who you consider your real mom. "I've prepared breakfast for everyone. please, take a seat and enjoy."

"Hmm, Nutella pancakes?" you said with a smile as you looked at the thick chocolate hazelnut spread sitting next to the pancakes.
Isabella smiled at you as she added a scoop of Nutella on the pancake for you. "Here you go, sweetie." she placed the pancake in front of you.

Draken and Takemichi looked at you with surprised looks, while Mikey was now drooling looking at you, wanting to try Nutella pancakes as well.

"Oh, thank you very much, Isabella." you said with a sweet smile as you took the Nutella pancakes from her. Mikey was drooling looking at the Nutella pancakes that you were eating. He looked so cute you couldn't help but share. "Here, want to try some?" you said, offering Mikey a spoon of Nutella pancakes. This time, he took the spoon and happily ate the Nutella pancakes. He was absolutely loving it.

Takemichi and Darken be like: 'damn, Diabetes be waiting for them.'

Meanwhile Pe-yan and Pah-chin already eating their breakfast. Pe-yan is having scrambled eggs with bacon with orange juice, while Pah-chin is sipping on a glass of milk. They both seem to be eating quite heartily, enjoying their meals. They seem to be quite hungry, especially Pe-yan, who's practically inhaling his food.

Mikey devoured the Nutella pancakes you offered, completely amazed by the richness and sweetness. He licked his lips clean and exclaimed, "Wow, these are so tasty!" it didn't take long for him to finish the rest of the Nutella pancakes. His eyes sparkled with delight as he licked his lips clean. "Thank you for sharing, you're the best, Bunny-chan," he said, showing his appreciation. "No problem, Mikey," you replied, smiling softly at his innocent charm.

Draken spoke up. "Speaking of today, we should have Mitsuya measure you for your own Toman uniform. It'll be a perfect fit, and you'll look great in it." Your eyes lit up with excitement and you turn to look at him and say. "Oh, really?" you asked, surprised. "I didn't know that."

Mikey piped up, his eyes wide with excitement. "Yeah! That means he'll be touching you all over, Bunny-chan!" He laughed, his grin mischievous. You felt your own cheeks heat up at the thought of being measured by Mitsuya.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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