I watch as she slides her phone into her purse. She's only hiding her phone because Lacey is keeping a good eye on us while Ryan tries talking to security guards.

Our stories line up and we've already made it a point to not pursue anything. So, hopefully, this gets dropped and we can continue with the party.

"Well, the guy is long gone!" Brenda announces while slurring her words. "And now we shall dance the night away!" She looks over at me. "As long as you're okay, sweetie!"

Sweetie? Fuck off is what I want to say to her!

I fake a fucking smile. "I'll be fine. Ryan was there to save me. I don't know what I would have done without him."

"My daddy!" Lacey wraps her arms around Ryan. "The hero! You are the perfect father!"

She'd change her mind if she knew the fucking truth!

"Thank you, Ryan," I say quietly and watch as Claire fights to hide her smile.

"That's my man!" Brenda announces and tries to wrap her arm around his, but Ryan pushes back. Brenda's eyes widen in shock and disgust. "What? It's not like you're taken!"

"Actually!" He interrupts her. "I am taken and it's none of your business by who."

"Wait..." Lacey gasps in excitement. "That girl from the other day? The one I had to leave your house because of?"

"Why'd you have to leave his house?" Claire is quick to ask questions.

Lacey shrugs her shoulders. "They were busy...if you get what I mean."

"Still!" Brenda tries wrapping her arm around him again and trying to act all lovey with him. "It's nothing serious. He always comes back to me."

"Mom!" Lacey sounds disgusted. "Everyone knows how many times you've cheated on him. Stop!"

"Oh, it's fine!" Brenda slurs again and tries to swing on Ryan.

The anger inside of me makes me want to punch her. I'm not a violent person, but I can't stand how many times she has hurt him. And now he's mine and I can't fucking claim him!

"Didn't you cheat on him a bunch of times?" I say in a snarky tone, my eyes burning into hers.

Shit! I can't look like this! Someone will catch on!

"Sweetheart!" She gives me her best snobby look. "I'll give you a pass because you were just attacked. But don't ever talk to me like that again! You're twenty, not fourteen anymore."

"Mom!" Lacey snaps and slaps her shoulder. "Don't talk to my friends like that!"

"Okay, enough!" Ryan's deep voice roars in anger. His anger is mixed with defense and holy shit! "Brenda! You're drunk!"

"Jesus, Ryan!" Brenda drunkenly scoffs. "The way you just snapped at me! Relax! I would never mean it! You act like you're sleeping with her or some shit!"

And there goes my heart flopping out of my fucking chest!

I try my best not to freak out. Ryan's eyes are so fucking wide yet he's trying to hide it the best he can. Claire is fucking laughing and Lacey looks disgusted.

"MOM!" Lacey snaps in disbelief, disgust, and everything else I can imagine going through her mind. "Hannah would never do that!"

Ryan's eyes widen. "What about me?"

"Ha!" Lacey chuckles. "I'm pretty sure if my friends gave you the opportunity you'd sleep with them. Don't deny it."

"And how would you feel about that?" Claire pipes up. Her curiosity is going to get her in trouble instead of me.

"Why?" Lacey spins around, giving Claire the 'stink-eye'. "Something you want to spill?" She questions.

"Fuck no!" Ryan is quick to interject. "Claire is..."

"Yeah!" Claire interrupts. "No offense, Lacey, but your dad is not my type. His new girlfriend is lucky to have him, but you'd never catch me with him."

Lacey looks around the group of us. "I better never catch any of my friends with my dad!"

"And what if you did?" I blurt out, realizing I am the only person who should not be speaking right now.

"Yeah?" Becca adds, making me feel a little better knowing all of our friends are questioning it. "How would you feel about that, Lace? Because your dad is young, attractive, and I know you don't want to hear it, but he's available...well, he isn't now."

"Okay!" Lacey snaps and I can see the disgust and confusion on her face. "Number one! It will never happen! Do you all fucking hear me? None of you will ever hookup with my dad! But if in some crazy world one of you did and you ACTUALLY proved you were in love with him. I don't know what I could do. I want him to be happy and if a woman makes him happy then I accept that. But for it to be one of my best friends. I don't know. I don't know if I'd ever be able to talk to you again, but if he's happy, then I am happy for him."

And just like that, there is hope!

"Except for Hannah!" She announces and looks at Ryan. "I'm so sorry Dad! You are my fucking world! I'm so fucking sorry and I shouldn't say this! But Hannah is too good for you. It's gross for me to think about any of my friends sleeping with you. But she's the only one I believe that has huge plans for her life and we all!" She waves her finger to each one of us with her 'scolding' eyes. "We all can agree on that! Right?"

"Hannah isn't ever going to sleep with him!" Becca interjects. Macey nods in agreement. Claire has a look of 'if you only knew' along with a smile and I am over here freaking out. That tiny bit of hope that she just gave me! She ripped it out of my hands just as fast!

Ryan looks at me. His eyes are narrowed, and I can see the hurt mixed with fear in them. I don't blame him. There's a tiny chance that Lacey would allow us to be together but that chance is so small I'm better off being struck by lightning or bitten by a shark.

"Who is this girlfriend, dad?" Lacey questions while looking around the reception. "Didn't you say she was coming tonight?"

"Nope!" Brenda interjects and tries wrapping her arm around Ryan again. "He's mine for the night!"

"Jesus Christ!" I snap and my heart freezes in place as I realize I just said that out loud. My eyes widen and I don't know what to do or say. That just made it too fucking obvious.

Ryan looks disgusted as he whips Brenda's arm off him again. "Brenda! Fucking stop! I am in a relationship."

"Yeah! But you always come back to me!"

"This is toxic!" Lacey steps in between the two of them. "Mom! I love you and always will! But let Dad be happy! Stop trying to get into his pants just because you are no longer happy with your relationship. He has someone leave him be!"

Tell her! I want to yell out loud but I'm thankful no one just questioned me yelling so I need to keep my mouth shut!

"Lacey!" Brenda rests her hand on Lacey's shoulder. "If you only knew the full history about your dad. You'd be fine with him and I sleeping together while he has a relationship. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Wait!" I say, trying to act interested in the conversation but not Ryan in general. "Ryan had other relationships when you two were together and he cheated on them?"

Brenda nods with a wicked smile. "Every time! He loves me too much!"

"Not anymore!" Ryan is quick to defend himself. And he should! We just made it official that we are a secret fucking couple! And now I'm finding out there is a possibility he'd cheat on me with that cunt!

I glance over at Claire, and she has a look that could kill Ryan. She looks around making sure no one is looking at her. Her eyes are trying to tell me something. She finally moves her lips. "I told you!" She mouths.

"I don't think so!" I mouth back while slowly shaking my head.

Ryan has never felt for anyone the way he feels for me. And I believe him because I can feel it radiating off him. I believe him because of the way he looks at me. I believe him because I do things to him no one else ever has. I believe him because of the way he holds me.


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