Part 1 Atomic Habits Summary

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"Habits are divided into two.

Good habits: These are actions that lead us toward progress and a better future when we engage in them.

Bad habits: are those that lead us to ruin or simply are not favorable for our lives.

the Progress
Progress can be as little as 1%, but in the end, we will see the results.

Like the example of ice: Ice at a temperature of -4°C is compact, but let's suppose that little by little we increase it by +1°C (progress), until reaching 0°C. Just with one more degree, the ice will start to melt. That's when a great change called progress (the 1%) begins.

The example of the sculptor and the stone: A sculptor hits a rock gently, and suddenly the rock splits in two. It's not because the blow was strong, it was because of the accumulation of blows he gave to the rock previously (progress).

Difficulties when creating or eliminating a habit.

Eliminating a habit: It's like uprooting a tree.Creating a habit: It's like planting a delicate flower.

Goals and Systems

What are goals: They are the results you want to achieve.
What are systems: They are the processes or steps you take to achieve results.

For example: 

Your goal. to be a musician.

Your system: It's the practice and time you dedicate to music.

Example 2:

Your goal: It could be to win a championship.

Your system: It's the way you recruit players, manage your coaches, assistants, and conduct training sessions.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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