Vaggie: She's a shapeshifter.

Y/n: I see.

KeeKee looks at you, slightly intimidated,but she quickly warms up to you. You pick her up and begin to pet her.

Y/n: Aww....she reminds me a lot of......Daisy...

Charlie: Daisy?

Vaggie: Who's Daisy?

Y/n: She....she was my pet rabbit. I miss her.

You let KeeKee down,but she nuzzles your leg as she senses your sadness.

Charlie: Well,how about we take your mind off of that? C'mon, I'll show you some of my old pictures.

Y/n: Ok....

Charlie takes you to her room and shows you a bunch of photo albums.

Charlie: Ooh, here's a photo of me and my parents.

Charlie: Ooh, here's a photo of me and my parents

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Y/n: That's your Mom,huh?

Charlie: Yep. That's my mom,Lilith.

Y/n: And that's your dad.... Lucifer.

Charlie: Yeah...coming from that tone,I guess you're not fond of him right from the start.

Y/n: Of course! It's your dad's minions that ruined my life!

Charlie: Hey! It's not like he chose this to begin with. Nor would he do that. He's actually very nice when you get to know him.

Y/n: .......I guess maybe not. And it's not like he gave the orders,as far as I know,those demons were working on their own.

Vaggie: What demons?

Y/n: Just a horde of various assholes; Mancubi,Pinkies,Cacodemons, Hell knights,imps, and one Gargantuan cyber demon. They invaded the moon base I was sent to, and they killed nearly everyone and turned them into zombies.

Charlie: How did that happen?

Y/n: Apparently,some scientists found a magical gateway to hell and got interested in the artifacts they found,along with an energy source called "Argent Energy" that they-

Charlie: Argent Energy?

Y/n: Yeah...what?

Charlie: Argent Energy is one of the more recent hazards that's come to hell. Ever since the exterminations began,the damned souls that were destroyed were converted into a form of spiritual energy. However,Argent Energy has a flaw; it corrupts and degenerates demons and turns them into the monsters that you described.

Y/n: What!?

Charlie: Yeah. It's actually one of the reasons I created this hotel. If I can get the exterminations to stop and redeem the sinners and get them into heaven,then the production of Argent Energy will cease and less souls will be corrupted.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now