
142 2 0

Little age: 4-5
845 words

The little woke up super late probably about 1pm. They were alone in their room with the door slightly cracked open, seeing that the door was open the little decided to go downstairs to look for their daddy.

" daddy where are you " they called out to no response. They began walking into the kitchen to see their daddy cooking lunch. " oh hi love I was just about to wake you " he said with a smile then walked over and picked his little up.

" hi daddy " the little said, still rubbing their eyes since it had only been a few minutes since they woke up. " how did you sleep baby? " the little nodded their head indicating good, " that's great my love if you wanna go wait on the couch in the living room I'll be there soon with lunch " and with that the little smiled as they got put down then made there way to the living room.

( A little while later )

" here you go baby, eat up " the food looked delicious and paired with their favourite drink too, milk!

Halfway through their meal the little interrupted the silence asking for more milk which the daddy got then sat back down.

A little while later the daddy was done his much and the little was halfway done the food and on their second serving of milk. The daddy noticed this and took the milk away. " hun eat your food, don't fill up on only milk " the little pouted but agreed.

A tiny bit later when the little had finished their food and was granted back their milk the little began to squirm on the couch. The daddy took notice of this behaviour and asked what was wrong only to get a " I'm fine " in return.

The daddy almost left it at that but then a few seconds later the little began to squirm and wiggle about again, the daddy knew the little had a tendency to not like the bathroom so he put it together that the reason that they were squirming was because they needed to go but didn't want to.

The little then got up and shimmied closer and closer until they were basically touching " ugmh daddy my tummy hurts " then the little began getting annoyed with the situation.

The daddy finally decided that he should ask " baby do you need to use the toilet? " he said. The little got really defensive about it shaking their head no and flailing their legs in frustration. " nooo! " they said.

That clearly was a tell tail sign that they were lying since they got so defensive so the daddy decided to go about the situation delicately as not to embarrass or insult the baby.

" okay well you know you can tell me anything right? And also big kids get rewarded for using potty. " and he left it at that hoping the little would give up and go to the bathroom but to his surprise no, the little laid back down. Now on the daddy's lap.

( A few minutes later )

The daddy had his hand laid on the littles stomach gently gliding his hand back and forth and his other hand gently stoking their hair, he felt the bloating in the littles tummy from holding in the bathroom so he decided enough was enough and paused the show they were watching. Earning a bit of fuss and confusion. " come on baby let's go to the bathroom "

He got protest in response but nonetheless carried them into the bathroom anyway, he placed them on the toilet and waited. " okay go I won't look " then he quickly turned around as to not break any boundaries.

They waited and waited but the little was far too stubborn and the daddy far too patient. But this couldn't be kept up forever as the daddy heard a loud whine and a sigh " daddy help? " the little groaned " with what baby? Can I turn around? " he asked. " yes " the little replied.

He turned around and looked at the littles face " what do you need help with hunny? " and then he noticed tears in the littles eyes obviously from the situation.

" oh baby it's okay shh, how about I can give you opinions hm? Okay so if you go potty like a big kid you'll get a treat and If you don't think you can do it I can help or maybe we just try a different way. "

The little thought for a moment before responding " help pwease hold my hand " and with that he did and then the little did their thing being a bit reluctant but still.

( After )

" you did so good baby! I'm so proud of you! " then the daddy got a cookie from the jar they had on the counter for when the little was good, " you did great hun now let's go play with your toys hm "

The little smiled and they both went up the stairs to play happily together.


( oh my gosh that was so much writing I'm dyinggg )

TY FOR 1k!!! 🩵

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