Spencer leaped backward. Sand erupted beneath his clawed feet, creating a smokescreen as he landed—a veil of obscurity that shrouded his movements. The demon used every advantage at his disposal.


Casper squinted, his senses attuned to the arcane. He whispered an incantation, and the blade responded, glowing with ethereal light. The fog dissipated, revealing Spencer's monstrous silhouette.


Spencer pounced at Casper while the Nobleman pressed on, weaving magic into every counterattack. Sparks flew, illuminating their deadly dance.

And then, the unexpected—a moment of vulnerability. Spencer's chest was exposed.


Casper's blade sank in, a triumph—but the demon didn't falter. Instead, he seized the sword, fingers closing around the hilt, and dragged it deeper into his chest.

The Nobleman's eyes widened as this was no ordinary adversary.

"No Demon Core? What are you? A real demon?"


Casper left his blade at Spencer's chest before distancing himself from the demon. His instincts screamed danger, forcing him to equip his Ancient Grimoire.

[Sunrise Revelations]


Gigantic mirrors materialized around Spencer. The demon tried to flee, but as he jumped, Casper anchored him to the ground by controlling the sword stabbed to his chest.


The demon crashed, dust billowing around him. Casper's breath hitched; he had one chance, one desperate gambit. The mirrors aligned, their angles precise, and a blinding white light erupted above Spencer. The mirrors refracted the light, amplifying it into searing beams.



Spencer began to burn, the searing light consuming him like a pyre of retribution. His monstrous form twisted, smoke rising from the wound where Casper's sword had pierced him. The demon's howl echoed through the fortress, a symphony of agony and rage.


But Talos appeared out of nowhere, dashing toward Casper.


He tried to stab Casper. But Casper weaved backward, dodging Talos' attack. Casper unleashed a quick retaliation by tripping him to the ground.


Talos hit the floor, bandages unraveling. His eyes met Casper's.

"I'm disappointed, Talos," Casper quipped, his voice cold.

"You want to fight me while wrapped in bandages? Perhaps next time, choose your allegiances more wisely."


A piercing wind attack materialized from Casper's right. It came from Avana, who was casting it from afar.


But Casper easily grabbed the magical attack with his bare hands. The Nobleman's mastery over the arcane was evident; he twisted the wind, redirecting its fury.


The wind attack shifted course, now aimed at Talos. The Kaldwin warrior leaped forward, agile as a panther, dodging the onslaught. He engaged Casper in closed quarters, blades flashing.

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