-Chapter Seventeen- Weight of the World

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/that's just the weight of the world/ the weak and the weary will never survive/ that's just the weight of the world/ we do what we must to stay alive/

-weight of the world, shayfer james

When the walls had receded and the door had opened, the three left the chamber as fast as they could. Varian and Y/n declined to comment to Rapunzel on what she had seen between them, and instead led the way down the tunnel, Varian holding his staff aloft to light their path.

The distant sounds of rodents squeaking echoed throughout the tunnels, accompanied by each of their distinct footsteps.

Y/n had learned to listen for the small differences in footsteps when she was very young- to close a secret passage if she heard a guard coming, to snap her book shut if it was one of her tutors, or to try and make herself look perfect whenever her parents approached.

This talent had stayed with her even after it stopped mattering, and she could detect the unique tones in each of their steps- Varian's were rushed, like his legs weren't long enough to move as fast as he needed to. Rapunzel's were confident and heavy, like she couldn't wait to reach her destination, and Y/n's were soft and light, barely making a sound as they hit the stone floors.

"Tripwire." Varian called behind him as he delicately stepped over the wire in question.

Y/n noted the near-invisible string and stepped over it gently, Rapunzel close on her heels.

Pascal's telltale squeak echoed through the hallways, and Y/n whipped around to see him on the stone floor with his tongue extended, connected to a spider that was precariously balanced on the tripwire. Her breath caught in her throat- the second he pulled the spider off, the tripwire would be pulled, triggering Demanitus-knows-what.

"Pascal, no!" cried Rapunzel, who had also turned to the chameleon, Varian doing the same a moment later.

"I need you to carefully let go of that spider." Rapunzel instructed slowly.

Pascal walked forwards and delicately disconnected his tongue from the small arachnid, which began to happily skitter along the wire. Y/n let out a sigh of relief, as did Varian beside her.

This feeling was short-lived, however, as Ruddiger walked straight through the tripwire blindly, the cord snapping in an instant.

Instantly, a rumbling filled the chamber, and debris began to fall from the ceiling as the walls of the tunnel quaked.

Y/n froze up, seemingly unable to move a single muscle.

Rapunzel had the opposite reaction. "Watch it!" she cried, rolling forwards to get Ruddiger and Pascal as a heap of stone tumbled from the ceiling right where the animals had been standing a moment ago.

"Everyone okay?" asked Rapunzel from the other side of the new pile of debris, holding Ruddiger in her arms.

Y/n expected to feel guilty when Rapunzel said this. She was sure that any other person would have that reaction- Rapunzel truly cared- or at least thought she cared- about their health, and had no idea she was being manipulated.

Still, not an ounce of guilt managed to manifest in Y/n'a heart, and she felt nothing but fury towards Rapunzel. She'd do what she must.

No matter how much she claims she cares, it can't fix what she's done. She's getting what's coming to her.

Rapunzel didn't wait for a response as she set Ruddiger down on the other side and stepped over the stones. "We're getting closer to the surface." she said cautiously. "We don't want to alarm the guards."

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