"I love you and all, but I have to go, I have to get ready for the party."

"But it's in six hours!!! Why do you need all that time just to get ready?" He whined.

"Well for one, I need to shower and then dry my hair without it getting frizzy and that takes about an hour, then I need to do my makeup which takes an hour and a half to two hours depending on what I do. Then I have to actually choose an outfit and that takes around three hours, then I have to decide what to do with my hair which doesn't take that long, but then I have to actually do it and that takes about an hour. Then lastly I have to put on my outfit, choose my shoes, choose my accessories and what kind of accessories to wear depending on the outfit I choose, and that takes another half hour to an hour." Draco's mouth was wide open in shock. "What?"

"You do all that? But why does it take so long, even though I'm a boy I take a lot longer than most boys due to how much ointments and skincare stuff I do but mine is nothing compared to yours." I chuckle.

"Well, whatever if you don't let me leave right now then I'll either be late, or I'll come not fully done and it'll look horrible as most half done things do."

 I say walking off to my room, as soon as I walk in I'm basically assaulted by all my friends (Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Ginny) with a tackle hug.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" I ask jokingly.

"What do you mean what the fuck is wrong with us, you leave lunch saying that you're going to the bathroom, but then you disappear for a couple hours!!! Do you know how worried we were?" Harry exclaims.

Suddenly someone hugs me and I see it's Hermione.

"Your eyes are blue Y/n, is there something wrong?" She asks.

"I never meant to worry you, I just realized that I needed some time alone, I have been bothered basically non-stop ever since I got here about people who "wanted" to be friends with me but I knew it was a lie." I said.

"Oh Y/n, I'm so sorry, I had no idea," Harry says rubbing behind his neck.

"It's fine Harry," I said.

"Now that that's out of the way, what's up with the "bruise" Harry said he saw when you left. I blushed slightly remembering the cause of the, "bruise".

"Nothing mu-"


"I'm sorry, okay, look, I wanted to tell you but they made me swear not to tell anyone."

"It better not be Malfoy Y/n, though I wouldn't be surprised due to how he acted towards Luna hugging you."

"What the fuck, you think I'd date that pompous bastard? He's rude to everyone and his father is Lucious fucking Malfoy, I wouldn't dare talk to him in any loving way much less make out with him. I have no idea why Malfoy acted the way he did so stop accosting me about it Harry."

"Jeez, calm down Y/n, we don't want you to go into another one of your rages." I tried to calm down but I couldn't knowing full well why.

"No, I won't calm down, you guys are literally accusing me of dating Malfoy, him of all people and you expect me to calm down? I want all of you out of here except Moon. OUT!!!" All of them rushed out knowing that if they didn't they would regret it.

"What's wrong Y/n? You can tell me anything." I started sobbing and telling her everything.

"And the strange thing is, I don't think it's just this mate thing that makes me feel loving towards him, I honestly think that deep down I actually love him Moon, and it scares me, it scares me so fucking much." I said starting to cry again.

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