"Hit me with it. Can't be worse than having to completely rebuild Big Red from scratch."

"We're going to have to open up your plating in the midsection, thanks to how your Elites are looking... they can't emerge the usual way through your core. They're currently extremely stuck in the area they were created in. The pain you're feeling was them trying to get out and the area trying to push them out as well."

"So... just like a c section on a human. You basically want to open me up to get them out. Like I've said before, this is too damn much like a human bloody pregnancy! GAH!" Vex starts curling up some in pain. "Just get on with it, sooner they're out the better."

"Blue, help me with getting this plating removed?" Blue starts nodding as Alice starts undoing pieces of plating, letting Blue pick them off and setting them to one side. Opening up the midsection to the air, Blue started looking inside and saw the area where he could see a faint green glow behind a small opening. As Alice drops in and starts pulling and pushing on a certain piece, Blue reaches in and pushes on it to try and help move it enough for whatever was inside the area to come out. "Push a little more, you're nearly there! If this works we won't need to completely destroy the walls here ."

As Blue pushes slightly harder, Vex groans in pain. Seeing three figures pull themselves out of the widening hole finally , he stops pushing on the piece and pulls his hand back slightly, turning it over so his palm was ready if they decided to step onto it. Alice making sure everything was sound and nothing broken first, waves the three new units onto Blue's palm before climbing onto it herself. Watching as Blue pulls out his hand from her midsection, Vex finally sees why her Elites were having such a hard time emerging. If they had been normal elite units they would have had no issues but these three, they were unique and very, very special. As they spot their Titan, they all saluted as best they could but their equipment got in their way quite a bit as Vex laughed at the sight.

"Just my luck I'd make tiny green versions of you guys with all the pointy sticky outey bits, isn't it Blue? Hi there little ones. Now, do you three have names already or is that down to me?"

The small copy of Blue piped up "You have already assigned us names in your systems. You named me Nik."

The small copy of Big Red spoke. "You named me Mackie."

The small copy of TV flashed a smiling emote. "You named me Phil. Together we will be known as the Jade Triplets according to your systems and ours."

"Right, well, welcome to the world Jade Triplets. We're not at home base just now so unfortunately you are about to be thrown in the deep end, though luckily no fighting is needed right now so you can relax . There's going to be a lot of units however, interested in you three. Hope you aren't shy. You got a song loaded into those speakers of yours yet Mackie?" Bringing a finger in to touch all three, they hug it before Vex pulled it away.

"Again, your systems picked, if you want me to change it..." Mackie seemed quite a serious little fellow.

"Lets hear it but if you yourself don't like it, I give you full permission to change it to what you want, you don't have to take me into consideration. I will however say do not use any of the music which has our enemies song in it, if you do want to change."

"If I do I will pass it by you first to make sure, I promise. But this is what your systems had selected." Mackie's speakers start up with a bouncy tune ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7qR7xvKFEU )

"Heh, I'd forgotten that old tune. It's a good one. Alice are we closing me up now or are you waiting for something else to go wrong in my systems?"

"Blue needs to pass me the plating so we can close you up and he's currently holding us."

"Oh duh, You three come here." Vex putting out her hands for the Triplets who climb on and then Blue letting Alice drop back down to Vex's midsection before he starts passing her the plating to reattach. Once that was finalised it was time to go back to Big Red's hangar. Walking back into the hangar with curious looks as to why the two Titan's had vanished for a little time, everyone started hearing music come from Vex's cupped hands. Opening her hands up, the Triplets shot into the air on jets and started flying around together weaving in and out of the gantries in the hangar. The Computer Engineers realising what had happened seeing the colour of the three start cheering and chanting, the other three factions realising from what was being chanted. The triplets then decided to settle on the top of Blue's head, Nik deciding to lie on Blue's front edge and hang off it upside down, looking directly into Blue's lens.

"You are going to fall off there if you're not careful Nik." Blue scolded.

"Well hello to you too DAD."

"Dad? Uh..."

"He's right you know Blue, all three of you helped create these little monsters. Damn what're the other two gonna think seeing these guys? That's going to be a funny sight, second only to Big Red's shock at his new body here." Vex reaches up and moves Nik back a little so he wouldn't fall. "Tell me something, whatever happened to your ears that you used to have? I liked those, they were cute."

"Bayer removed them, said he was sick of having to keep replacing or repairing them. I do kinda miss them myself. "

"Hrm, ok. Metz, Harman, how much more do we have to do on Big Red here?" Vex looked at the two standing on the gantry near them. Watching the two confer then as both look at Big Red's new frame.

"Just a few adjustments and a final clean before we put the clothing on. Do you think it would be better to leave it off for Big Red to see everything first or?" Harman was wringing his hands. After seeing and cataloguing all of the old damage he was highly stressed and doubted his abilities as his Titan's Chief Engineer though the other three had tried to console him, if Vex's engineers s hadn't seen the damage when they upgraded Big Red, how was he to have known.

"Put the clothes on him. Let him find out about his new upgrades as he starts using his stuff. It'd make for a nice surprise for him and he sorely needs something nice after everything eh? "

"Yes, yes you're right. I will contact Tobias now and start people on polishing duties." Harman starts nodding. Blue starts clicking away annoyed to himself as Vex laughs.

"Let Blue here polish Big Red up, you know what he's like. And after all that time he spent polishing the plates as it was." Vex watching Blue fondly as he walks back over to his best friend's frame and starts inspecting to see what needs doing again as the Jade Triplets decide to remove themselves from the rapidly moving head and land just inside Vex's core entrance, looking out at everyone working together.

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