"Found it!"

He sat down next to Aaliyah on the floor

"What do you want to watch.?"

Aaliyah was still trying to process everything and not panic.

"Hm? What do you want to watch,You can pick"


"Yes Sylas"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. You can pick. I already watched everything."

"I don't mean to hold you hostage Aaliyah.  You can go if you'd like. I'm already acting like a maniac. I'm sorry. You can leave."

"I'm locked in here, Sylas"

"You wanted to leave?"

"I want to make sure I don't get written up."

Sylas didn't say anything, he just started scrolling through the movies. Aaliyah was having Deja vu. She had to get out of here. She really liked Sylas, but he was reminding her of her last patient and she couldn't do it. She heard the food cart being pushed down the hall.

She went to the door opening the slot

"Psst. Hey kid. Come here"  she whispered to the same teenage boy she saw earlier. He crouched down to her level.

"What do you want"

"I need a favor please. I need you to open the door."

"So I can get fired? no thanks."

"I'm not a patient"

"Yeah that's what they all say."

Aaliyah showed the boy her wrists. All patients had a wristband that they had to wear with all their information.

"Okay fine. But why should I help you? You wrote me up."

"I didn't do it yet. Let me out and I won't write you up."

"Ugh. Too bad I don't know the PIN."

Aaliyah used her hands to show him the numbers. And he pushed the numbers into the pads. The door beeped and she helped him open the heavy door.


"Lee, where are you going?" Sylas stood up

"To get your breakfast,babe"

"I already had breakfast"

"Your lunch I mean." Aaliyah grabbed a tray handing it to Sylas telling him to take his time and eat.

"I'll be back okay?" Sylas was too busy eating so Aaliyah slid him another tray to keep him distracted. She left out, closing the door behind her. As soon as the door closed Sylas looked up.



Aaliyah stopped outside. She heard Sylas calling for her. She knows she shouldn't go back.

"Aaliyah please. I'll stop acting crazy. Please just don't leave me here."

Sylas sat next to the door as tears filled his eyes.


"Aaliyah, I need you. I need your help please." Aaliyah was trying to leave but she couldn't. She couldn't leave him all alone in that room. She walked back to Sylas’ room.

"You're okay" She kneeled down by the slot.

"I'm not." He put his hands through the small space and Aaliyah took his hands into her own.

"You're okay Sy. Breathe."

"Can. . .can I just have a hug before you go."

Aaliyah didn't say anything. Sylas pulled his hands away closing the slot. It was all a lie wasn't it. She didn't really care. Aaliyah sighed as she stood up, opening the door.


"Go away"

"I want to give you a hug, baby"


"Mhm" Aaliyah held her arms out for Sylas. Sylas hugged Aaliyah. It was his favorite feeling. She made him feel so warm and loved.

A few tears streamed down Aaliyah's face as Sylas harshly sobbed into her.

"Its so hard I can't do it!"

Aaliyah sat down with him.

She just let Sylas say what he needed to say.

"I don't want to get attached to you and then you leave me and. . . And. I feel so hopeless. I know I'm just another patient to you but you make me feel something. High. I feel high and then you leave and I need it again. I need you again. I don't want you to be afraid of me. I'm a nice person, I swear, I just need a little help,your help. I'm really trying to control myself because I don't want you to find another patient. I know that you're a genuine person. You're the first person. . ."

". . . The first person to ask how I am. Or if I'm okay. The first person to give me a hug. At the other rehab center I asked my nurse for a hug and he cursed me out and called me a dirty junkie. That's why I left and kept doing it. They weren't feeding me down there. Or helping me clean up because I couldn't do it myself. They left me there. To lay in my own sick for days like an animal. I'm still a person. I still have feelings.and you understand that. That's why I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry for holding you up, you can go. I know you have other things to do."

Aaliyah didn't move. She just sat there holding Sylas. Sylas turned around to face her.

"I love you"

"You don't have to say it back but I do. I've known you for less than twenty four hours but-"

Aaliyah pressed her lips to Sylas’, Before she could stop herself.

"I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have done that" Aaliyah apologized profusely. Sylas smiled, touching his lips. He was in love. Love at first sight. It must be, Sylas thought.

"I really have to go, I'm sorry." Aaliyah left Sylas’ room, closing the door. This time she left right away going to her dorm.

"Why the fuck did he have to say that!!!" She slammed her bedroom door.

Her roommate and best friend, a fellow nurse, knocked on her door.

"Lee, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Jamillah. Please give me some space"

Aaliyah laid her head on her hands crying into her pillow. She knew Sylas was different but so was her previous patient. And she really didn't want a repeat.

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