Threatened - Killer x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Then lets get your stuff packed, huh?"


Ok, maybe I should've thought this through a bit more. Walking through the Underground to go back to Snowdin with a heavy backpack on my shoulders, two suitcases in one hand, and my vase of Echo Flowers in another is a lot harder than one might think. I keep stumbling through the snow and I've almost dropped the vase several times, but I'm determined to make it to Snowdin. I don't know where Killer is, but I know he'll find me at some point. The Underground isn't that big, is it?

I make it to Snowdin Town, then find a nice place to set my stuff down, and I sit in the snow and wait.

And wait.

And wait...

...And wait...

Ok, where is he? It's been like... Twenty minutes?

Do I need to wait longer? Or should I call out to him?

Maybe I should go look for him. I think. I glance down at my stuff, then nod and start venturing into the forest. I don't want to go too far because I don't want to lose my stuff.

But I don't make it very far before I hear footsteps. I freeze, and then a knife presses against my throat, someone's breath hot on my neck.

"You humans have been showin' up a lot pretty recently." He whispers, the blade pressing against my skin and drawing blood just barely.  "I'm not in a merciful mood, but I'm too exhausted to draw this out, so I'll just make it quick, alright?"

"W-Wait, Killer, it's me!" I squeak before he can slit my throat.

He stiffens. "...Y/N-?"

"It's me." I whisper, closing my eyes.

"...What are you doin' back here?" He drops the knife and steps around me to stare at me with his empty eye sockets. "I told you not to come back. You can't leave now, I don't have a-"

I cut him off by grabbing his turtleneck and slamming my lips against his teeth in a fierce kiss. He grunts as we fall backwards and land in the snow. He hesitates for only a moment before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. I pull away from the kiss and bury my head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the smell of his jacket fur as well as a little bit of alcohol.

"Why did you come back...?" He asks as we slowly sit up. "I- I can't bring you home now."

"I don't want to go home." I whisper, hugging him tightly. "I want to stay with you. I brought my things. I'm gonna move in with you. Or... Near you, if there's a vacant house."

"Whoa, whoa, slow down." He pulls me away from him. "Moving in with me? Me?? Are you nuts? Do you know how many times I've stabbed my own wall out of anger? I- I might hurt you."

I smile. "That wasn't gonna stop you before, was it?"


"You were gonna kill me if I hadn't hidden from you." I smile more. "So what does it matter? I want to stay with you, Killer. You make me happy."

He snorts. "Never heard anyone say that about me before."

"Well I mean it." I give him a small kiss. "I really like you. Like... A lot. Like... A lot to the point where I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"I threaten your life and you develop a crush on me." He grumbles, then smirks. "Kinky~"

I blush. "N-Not like that-!"

He chuckles. "Just messin' with you, gorgeous." He kisses me back. "I'd be glad to let you move in with me. Though, I don't have a spare bedroom..." He presses his chest flush against mine, making me falls backwards, and he trails a finger down my arm. "I'd be willin' to share my room, but we might have to get snug and cozy with each other~"

I blush madly and he starts trailing kisses down my neck. "K-Killer, I-"

"I love ya too, Y/N~" He purrs.

"I- I wasn't-"

"But you were thinking it~"

I blush more. "I- Y-Yeah, ok, I... I was..."

He plants a kiss on my collarbone, then picks me up. "Let's get you moved in, hmm~?"

I giggle softly as he carries me bridal style back to where my things are. Slowly, without setting me down, he moves my things into a house near the library- or Librarby?- and into the living room. He sets the vase of Echo Flowers on the table, then, once everything is inside, he carries me upstairs and to what I can only assume is his bedroom. He keeps the lights out so all I can see is the target slightly illuminating his face. He dumps me onto a mattress, then pins me there and starts kissing me again.

"I'm glad you came back~" He chuckles. "I was startin' to go even more insane without you."

I laugh softly, then hug him. "I'm glad I came back too, Killer."



Anyway Killer daddy but canon? sort of? Maybe? I don't do many oneshots related to his actual AU sooooo.. Different twist? Was it good or bad?

Ayway bye <3

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