[137] Great, Everything is Alright

Start from the beginning

"Go on," she said once our eyes met. "I'll wait, you can take your time and finish it."

"Uhh..." her tone implied something else, and Rias wasn't dumb enough to miss it.

Rias didn't mind my other girls, I noticed that she was pretty open-minded about it in comparison to my human girls. I guess it came with her being a devil, growing up in a society where having a harem of women was common for men.

But while she didn't mind it, she didn't fail to understand that others may not be the same. She wanted me, but probably not in front of my girlfriend.

"Ah, sorry..." Rias cleared her throat and gently backed off from me. "Let's continue this later, Aqua."

"That's for the better," I nodded.

'She's backing off out of respect, but also putting it out there that we'll continue later. Stubborn girl.' I guess even if she was fine with the idea of harem, she still had some competitiveness within her.

"I'm glad," Mem-Cho nodded and looked at me. "Will you be leaving soon? If so we can leave together. Otherwise, I can leave first so that you can spend time with your friend here."

"No, I'm leaving with you," I walked up to her. I noticed Rias' expression slightly fell at that, perhaps a part of her expected me to accompany her.

Mem-Cho and I walked out of the school grounds before I took her into my arms and took off into the air.

* * *

We flew in silence, with the wind hitting our faces, till I dropped Mem-Cho in front of her house.

"I'll be leaving then," I told her while she stretched her arms. She wore a smile now, her earlier dry mood rejuvenated. I'm glad at least she recovers fast.

"Why not stay the night~?" She threw her arms around me, pulling me into a short kiss, before hanging from my neck with a smile. "I would love to have you tonight."

I put my arms on my girlfriend's waist as I raised an eyebrow, "Your family wouldn't appreciate the noise, sweetheart."

"You know that's not an excuse. I can cast a silence spell around my room," she said, "Plus my mum said she wants to meet you. I met your family already, it's about time you met mine, no?"


She sighed with a smile, and I pulled her into another kiss. When it ended, she said while licking her lips, "Fine, another time then. I can't believe I need to fight so much for a bit of my boyfriend's time. Haah, it's hard to date a popular man..."

"You can crash into my place tonight, I'll give my night to you." I counter-proposed her, "I just... want to be at the house these days. Things may be dangerous."

Memmy frowned in concern, "Okay, what is going on? You sound worried."

"I do? No, I'm just annoyed, not worried." I put my chin on her head and closed my eyes, putting her arms around her. I didn't want to worry her.

"If you say so," she put her arms around my back, burying her face into my chest. It felt nice, the moment was calming. "...That Rias girl, you like her?"

"She's not bad,"

"When are you going to sleep with her?"

"You want the honest answer?" I asked as she laughed.

"Wow, you could have just said never and been done with this. But yes, tell me."

"I'd have slept with her tonight, but you were there." I said, "She's been thirsty to have me for months now."

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