Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 111

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Valoron wasted no time, swiftly closing the distance between himself and Jiighual with a determined stride. With a fluid motion, he unleashed a rapid arc of his longsword, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision and catching Jiighual off guard, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake as it grazed his cheek.

"Damn, he's quick!" Jiighual muttered through gritted teeth, his instincts kicking into overdrive as he dodged the flurry of attacks that followed.

Valoron pressed his advantage, moving in close to deliver a punishing knee strike to Jiighual's abdomen, followed by a swift elbow to his face that sent him reeling backwards with a pained groan.

The relentless assault continued, Valoron launching into a flurry of powerful sword strikes, each blow finding its mark with unforgiving accuracy and leaving Jiighual struggling to defend himself against the onslaught.

"Shit, he's relentless!" Jiighual grimaced in agony as the razor-sharp edge of Valoron's sword carved deep gashes into his flesh, leaving him battered and bloodied.

Desperate to turn the tide of the battle, Jiighual attempted to shove his pavise shield towards Valoron, but the knight stood firm, his unwavering resolve rendering Jiighual's efforts futile as the shield remained motionless in his grip.

Encouraged by Valoron's dominance, the surrounding warriors erupted into cheers, their voices echoing across the battlefield in a chorus of support and encouragement for the lone knight.

"Keep it up, Valoron!"

"Show him what you're made of!"

"Finish him off, Valoron!"

The fervent cheers of the warriors served as a rallying cry for Valoron, spurring him on as he pressed his advantage, determined to emerge victorious in this one-sided duel.

"Not today! I refuse to meet my end like this!" Jiighual's defiant cry pierced through the chaos of battle, his voice resolute despite the odds stacked against him.

Caught off guard by Jiighual's sudden surge of determination, Valoron's brow furrowed in confusion as he attempted to anticipate his opponent's next move.

With a swift motion, Jiighual seized control of his pavise shield, wrenching it back towards himself and catching Valoron off balance, forcing the knight to release his grip.

"I let my guard down for just a moment, damn it!" Valoron cursed under his breath, his frustration evident as he struggled to regain his footing amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

Seizing the opportunity presented to him, Jiighual surged forward, his strength and determination propelling him past Valoron and hurtling the knight against the warriors who surrounded them.

The impact sent Valoron sprawling amidst the throng of fighters, his body jolting with pain as he collided with the unforgiving mass of bodies behind him.

"Argh!" Valoron's groan of pain mingled with the taste of blood in his mouth, a visceral reminder of the brutal impact he had just endured.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, this isn't how Jiighual, member of the Renaissance band, meets his end!" Jiighual's defiant voice reverberated through the chaos of the battlefield, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

"You rebels truly are something," Valoron remarked, a note of admiration coloring his words as he struggled to rise, his longsword serving as a makeshift crutch to aid his ascent.

"Your name's Jiighual, isn't it?" Valoron inquired, his gaze steady as he locked eyes with his adversary.

"That's right, and you'll remember it well once I've bested you and emerged victorious!" Jiighual declared with unwavering resolve.

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