Maggie could remember the way Emory sat in the bath tub with her knees to her chest as Maggie rubbed shampoo in her hair, her fingers running through her scalp as she promised Emory that she would always keep her safe. Maggie Greene was Emory's protector, she always had been and always would be.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Emory found herself in the kitchen with Beth, Carol, Lori, Patricia and Andrea. The women of Ricks group had insisted on cooking everyone dinner while half the men spent the day looking for Carols duaghter, Sophia.

"So tell us about yourself, Emory. You're always so quiet," Lori said making the girl lookup from the potato's she was skinning.

She found the question hard to answer, because there was nothing fascinating about her, nothing that seemed worth sharing and she hated that what she probably could share, just seemed pitiful.

"Farmers daughter, my farms just up the road. My parents are dead," she said emotionlessly, back to peeling the potato's.

"They raised a kind girl," Carol said, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"My mom was the kindest woman, always making sure everyone was taken care of. If she were here right now, she would've insisted on doing everything by herself. Cooking was her love language, baking was mine," Emory said not looking up.

"My dad had wanted a boy but my mom said the moment I was born, I had him wrapped around my finger. He'd sleep in my nursery for weeks, so afraid something would happen to me if he wasn't there to protect me," she said feeling her tears hit the counter and she swiped at them, sniffling.

She felt arms wrap around her as Beth rested her chin on her shoulder. Beth had lost her mother and brother, she understood Emory's pain but she was always there for her, the Greene girls were her sisters even if they weren't blood related.

"I'm gonna take a break," Emory said, setting down the potato's. She left the kitchen to see Hershel staring at them all.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Lori and Carol are cooking dinner for us all tonight," Maggie said, as tried to get more chairs for the table.

"That's the first I've heard of it," Hershel said, obviously annoyed.

"Well, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. They want to thank us for helping them," Maggie answered.

"We need to be setting clear boundaries with these people. They're getting a little too comfortable," Hershel said as Emory moved to help Maggie.

Hershel was right, they didn't know these people and they were undermining Hershel's authority. Emory found them to be kind but they didn't truly know them.

"It's just dinner," Maggie said .

"What's going on with you and the Asian boy?" Hershel asked making Emory still. She hadn't told Hershel a thing, but he was observant.

"Glenn. He's a friend,".

"I'd rather he wasn't. Bad enough I have to chase Beth and Jimmy around,"her father admitted.

"Well, you don't have to chase me around, I'm not sixteen,".

"I know you're not. That's why I'm counting on you to be the mature one. You know how I feel. Please don't make things harder than they need to be," Hershel pleaded but Maggie was truly over it.

"I'm a little old for us to be having this conversation," she said walking away.

"Don't get close to them. They're not going to be around forever," he warned making her turn back to face him before leaving.

"That goes for you too, I know I can count on you but I need you to watch out for the girls. I need you to be aware of your surroundings. I know you're scared but being scared won't help you survive," he said looking to Emory with a sad expression.

"I know, I'll do better," she promised, following after Maggie.

Maggie sat on her bed, holding a picture of her mom. Staring down at it with sad eyes. Emory knocked on the door and Maggie shoved the photo to the side.

"Is it wrong to say I'm glad she's not here to experience this?" Maggie asked as Emory sat beside her, shaking her head.

"I was devastated when my parents died and still a but I try to find peace in knowing they won't have to suffer anymore, in knowing they're somewhere safe now. I'm sure our moms are together looking over us, that's how we've made it so far," Emory said holding Maggie's hand, resting her head on her shoulder. She jumped up at the sound of a gun being fired.

Daryl Dixon had been shot.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Thanks to Hershel, Daryl would be fine. Andrea had so recklessly shot him, thinking he was a walker which only proved Hershel's concerns right.

Everyone say around awkwardly eating.
Emory found herself sat beside Maggie at a separate table with Jimmy, Beth and Glenn.

The awkward silence and sound of forks scraping against plates was killing her, but fortunately Glenn decided to speak.

"Does anybody know how to play a guitar?" He asked smiling, looking over to Ricks table.

"Dale found a cool one. Somebody's got to know how to play," Glenn laughed earning silence.

"Otis did" Patricia spoke.

"Yes, and he was very good too," Hershel said as sad glances were shared and everyone returned to eating. Emory watched as Maggie passed Glenn a note and laughed to herself as Glenn smiled to Maggie after reading it.

Emory knew Maggie wasn't even close to done with Glenn.

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