Chapter 3: Misshape Destiny

Start from the beginning

What I saw before me was nothing short of mesmerizing; the sheer beauty and elegance of the Raiden Shogun.

Don't tell me the one that I flirted was the Shogun herself..?

The woman who I was too drunk to properly admire last night, standing right before me. There was no doubt in my mind that the woman I saw now was the same one I drank with last night. The sheer attractiveness of her presence was undeniable, and the way she carried herself such authority was nothing short of majestic.

I held my breath as I realized that she had turned her head towards my direction. But thankfully, she did not make eye contact with me. I could not believe my luck. However, I was still unsure of how my presence in her mansion would turn out and remained hidden behind the wall.

The Shogun continued to walk out of the hallway, and thankfully, it seems she did not spot me. With the Shogun gone, I took a sigh of relief and decided to stay hidden until I was sure she was gone.

Or so I thought.

"You're now awake."

I was caught off guard as the Shogun suddenly appeared in front of me. I immediately froze, uncertain of what to make of this situation. Did she know I am here all along? Was she playing some kind of mind game with me? The Shogun's presence and her aura of authority were enough to make me squirm at the very least.

"Ah... Y-your Excellency..."

The Shogun did not respond to my greeting. Instead, she simply stared at me with her piercing eyes. She remained silent for a few moments, seemingly considering something before she spoke.

"...You were not aware of my identity last night."

So it really was her...

"F-forgive me if I did something the unthinkable during my drunken state... I was simply not in my right mind last night..."

"Hmph, you are not aware of how fortunate you were to have come upon my path last night. Your actions during your inebriated state are irrelevant. It is of no importance."

It was hard to believe as if I had gotten so close to her last night that she could easily forgive me for that. It was too good to be true.

"P-pardon me for asking, but did we really..." I averted my gaze as I couldn't continue my own statement.

"Oh? I assume you are referring to the events from last night. You want to know if the two of us really engaged in such acts..?"

I could only nod while she crossed her arms.

"Sad to say we didn't. After I escorted you to Tenshukaku last night, you couldn't handle your liquor as you throw up along the way."

Huh, this was the last thing I expected to hear. Even so, I couldn't help but recall my drunken self making a fool of myself on the way back. At the time, I thought this was just an embarrassing incident that the Shogun would have no need to recall... But now that she mentioned it, it became crystal clear just how much of an embarrassment this was.

It was also a relief that the two of us did not do anything as it would have made this entire situation a lot more complicated to handle.

"Still though, how did I end up in your... bed this morning? And my body was... naked..."

The Shogun sighed.

"That is because I don't know your address here in Inazuma hence I decided to carry you back to Tenshukaku after you threw up. As for your state of undress, you did that yourself. You were quite eager to get back to bed last night, even going so far as to rush in there without remembering to keep yourself clothed."

I could only avoid her gaze as I was blushing from embarrassment of my actions last night.

"You're so easily flushed, you know that? Are you sure you're really a mature scholar?"


The Shogun seemed to enjoy mocking my embarrassment, as her smile was almost sinister. She even seemed to get a little pleasure out of making me squirm so hard.

"I am honestly surprised by your behavior yesterday, and even today. It's strange to see how the drunkenness can make one so docile and obedient. I wonder what it would take for me to have full control of you like this when you're sober..."


"You know what the best part of yesterday was?" She asked.


"...The fact that you willingly surrendered your body to me in that drunken state. I couldn't resist myself from taking advantage of this. It was as if your body was calling out to me. It's almost as if you wanted to..."


"Hm? Did that idea excite you? Your blushing face says it all." She said and looked down at me then slowly moved closer.

I kept my mouth shut as I looked down at the floor, clearly embarrassed at the way the Shogun was taking so much pleasure in putting me down. In all my studies as a rising star in the Akademiya, I never thought the Shogun would be the one to humiliate me like this so openly.

"And to think that... such a beautiful and intelligent woman would be taken by the mere power of alcohol. What a waste."

The Shogun slowly traced her fingers around my cheek and over my lips, gently pulling me up so that I would look back at her without being able to resist. I could feel her gaze upon me, and it was making me shiver in fear and hesitation.

"It is my duty to cleanse the filth that inhabits this world and the filth inside humans. I may be the strongest being there is here in Inazuma, but I can see the weakness in you."

"It's only normal for me... I am... a human after all..." I replied.

I then glanced towards the exit before continuing my statement.

"Y-your Excellency... I still have some further preparation regarding my research... So if you would be so kind to let me go now..?"


For a moment, she seemed to consider my request. But then, she scoffed and slowly shook her head.

"Forget your research. Your true place is by my side. And as for that... weakness I saw in you, I intend to correct it by making you mine..."

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now