Episode 28: I wonder what Eva's buttocks taste like

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I don't know how long I've been lying on the sand. It could be hours, it could be years.

It's the first time in the past few days when I truly feel like I'm leaning on something firm and solid. The sensation of constantly rising and falling hasn't completely disappeared. My head is buzzing. I can't even manage to sleep.

Only she, Eve, seems to have no problem at all. She has appeared and disappeared from the beach a hundred times by now. Occasionally, she comes and says something to me, but I ignore her. I'm just glad to see her leaving again.

She seems to have the devil in her. Where does she get all that energy? Now she appears again, leans over me, and presses her lips tightly against mine.

God, water! 

I eagerly swallow the life flowing from her mouth into mine and open my eyes wide.

"Water? Where did you get water, Eve?"

She takes my hand and simply says:


Since we arrived on the shore, the only thing I've done is lie on the sand, as far away from the waves as possible. Only now do I realize how thirsty I am.

I follow her footsteps. The sand is hot. Here and there are broken seashells and pieces of hard rock.


I'm so eager that I bump into one of the stones and blood spurts out. I've ruined a nail. I stop, take off my shirt, and wrap my foot. The girl waits patiently beside me. When I'm done, she points to a small crack in the rock.

"There, water."

I rush madly. She's right. I put my hand into the crack, cup it, and manage to extract a bit of water. It tastes a bit strange, but it's water. We drink in turns, and when I try again, there's nothing there.

"Is that all?" I exclaim disappointedly.

"That's all we found."

"There must be more somewhere. Keep looking, Eve! Let's search!"

I look around carefully for the first time. Oh, I was right: it's an island. Obviously, it's an island, and not even a big one.

When God finished writing our story, He put a period to the sentence. This island is that period. A dot thrown into the middle of the waters.

"It's about seven hundred meters long," the girl says.

"Aha, you had time to measure it," I mutter. "And the width?"

"About five hundred."

"Perfect," I grumble. "We have enough space to starve and thirst to death."

The girl kneels down and looks at me.

"Come," she whispers. "We must thank God for being kind to us."

I feel my blood boiling. Thank? Why the hell should I thank? I look around and I can't find many reasons to be grateful. We are... a man, a girl, and a deserted island.

For this, you want me to thank You, Lord?

"You can pray if that makes you happy!" I tell the girl, stepping away.

I step over the cursed rock with my cursed foot wrapped in my cursed shirt. My toe hurts like hell.

Lord, know that I'm very angry with You! 

Just so you know!

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